Read more about the statewide aquaculture opportunity for new and small shellfish operations, Public Act 23-184.

Follow UConn Extension's 2024 video series on aquaculture in Connecticut. New videos will be posted throughout the year.

Welcome to the Bureau of Aquaculture

David H. Carey, Bureau Director

Staff & Contact Us

Follow us on Instagram: @aquaculture_ct | Read about CT Aquaculture in the News

General information about the Bureau

Shellfish Sanitation Program
Laboratory Services
Shellfish Area Classifications and Maps
Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring
Vibrio Management | Vibrio Frequently Asked Questions
Oyster & Clam Disease Surveillance and Fact Sheets
Shellfish/seed Importation Policy
Related Links |  Definitions and FAQs

Shellfish Industry

Applications, Forms, and Licenses
Shellfish Industry Profile and Economic Impact
Shellfish Bed Types and Management
Shellfish Ground Leasing Procedure and Lease Opportunities
HACCP Information and Forms
Regulatory Guidance
Industry Meeting Presentations

Recreational Shellfishing

General Information about Recreational Shellfishing
Shellfish Handling and Safety Guidance
Recreational Shellfish Growing Area Contacts, Hotlines, and Maps
Shellfish Commission Guidance
Seed importation and relay license applications

To report illegal harvesting, call DEEP Dispatch toll-free at 800-842-HELP (800-842-4357)

Shellfish Rehabilitation and Enhancement

Regulation of Shellfish Restoration Projects
Overview of the Connecticut Shellfish Restoration Guide

Connecticut Shellfish Restoration Guide

Shellfish Rehabilitation and Enhancement Projects

Shellfish Restoration Regulation Flowchart

Shell Recovery and "Recycling"
Shell Recovery Guidance - last updated September 2023

Legal Notices

Shellfish Growing Area Classification Changes

    Oyster Aquaculture Bags          Oyster Shell Boat          Oyster Seed