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Agricultural Enhancement Grant
Municipalities: Activities to enhance Connecticut agriculture such as youth ag education, DEI, urban ag, food supply chain, and farmland access. Up to $49,999, match requirement.
Nonprofits: Activities to enhance Connecticut agriculture such as youth ag education, DEI, urban ag, food supply chain, and farmland access. Up to $49,999, match requirement.
Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry Grant
Farmers: Projects to increase the adaptation and use of climate smart agriculture and forestry practices. Funding administered by designated recipient organizations.
Nonprofits: Projects to increase the adaptation and use of climate smart agriculture and forestry practices. Funding administered by designated recipient organizations.
Schools: Projects to increase the adaptation and use of climate smart agriculture and forestry practices. Funding administered by designated recipient organizations.
Municipality: Projects to increase the adaptation and use of climate smart agriculture and forestry practices. Funding administered by designated recipient organizations.
Farmers: For projects and training directly associated with increasing farm sales to schools. Up to $5,000 award, no match requirement.
Schools: K-12 procurement of local products for school lunches program, Farm to School K-12 programming, and Early Childcare Education (ECE) opportunities. Up to $50,000 award, no match requirement.
Farmers: Expand and diversify production, build infrastructure, and test and launch new products. Awards up to $49,999, match requirement.
Farmland Restoration, Climate Resiliency, & Preparedness Grant
Farmers: Develop and implement a comprehensive Farmland Restoration and Climate Resiliency Plan. Up to $100,000, match requirement.
Municipalities: Develop and implement a comprehensive Farmland Restoration and Climate Resiliency Plan. Up to $100,000, match requirement.
Nonprofits: Develop and implement a comprehensive Farmland Restoration and Climate Resiliency Plan. Up to $100,000, match requirement.
Food System Capacity Building Grant
Farmers: Supports initiatives to increase food access and address food insecurity. Up to $20,000, no match requirement.
Nonprofits: Supports initiatives to increase food access and address food insecurity. Up to $20,000, no match requirement.
Municipality: Supports initiatives to increase food access and address food insecurity. Up to $20,000, no match requirement.
Organic Certification Cost Share Grant Program
Farmers: Recoup a portion of annual costs to receive organic certification. 75% of costs, up to $750 per scope.
Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program
Farmers: Activities supporting the middle of the food supply chain including aggregation, processing, and distribution. Awards $100,000-$250,000, match requirement.
Municipalities: Activities supporting the middle of the food supply chain including aggregation, processing, and distribution. Awards $100,000-$250,000, match requirement.
Nonprofits: Activities supporting the middle of the food supply chain including aggregation, processing, and distribution. Awards $100,000-$250,000, match requirement.
Schools: Activities supporting the middle of the food supply chain including aggregation, processing, and distribution. Awards $100,000-$250,000, match requirement.
Municipalities: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops for industry benefit through market promotion and new product research and development. Up to $100,000, no match requirement.
Nonprofits: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops for industry benefit through market promotion and new product research and development. Up to $100,000, no match requirement.
Schools: Enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops for industry benefit through market promotion and new product research and development. Up to $100,000, no match requirement.