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  • Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry Grant

    Geared towards fostering climate-resilient practices within the agricultural and forestry sectors, this grant supports initiatives that mitigate the impact of climate change.

  • CT Grown for CT Kids Grant

    Focused on connecting local agriculture with school nutrition programs, this initiative aims to promote healthy eating habits among children while supporting local farmers.

  • Farm Transition Grant (FTG)

    The Farm Transition Grant Program (FTG) (C.G.S. Sec. 22-26k) is a competitive matching grant program for Connecticut farmers and agricultural cooperatives to support the diversification of existing farm operations, transitioning to value-added agricultural production and sales, and other venues in which a majority of products sold are grown in the state.

  • Organic Certification Cost Share Grant Program

    Through this grant, Connecticut certified organic growers and processors can be reimbursed for 75%, up to $750, for the cost of receiving and maintaining USDA organic certification.

  • Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program

    A grant to support activities in the middle of the food supply chain including aggregation, processing, and distribution.