View our Grants at a Glance
Stay current on the grants offered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture and timeframes for when grants open and program contacts on one simple page.
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Agricultural Enhancement Grant (formerly Farm Viability)
The Agricultural Enhancement (C.G.S. Sec. 22-26j) is a competitive matching grant program open to municipalities, regional planning organizations, associations of municipalities, and agricultural non-profits. Please be aware this is a reimbursement grant.
Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry Grant
Geared towards fostering climate-resilient practices within the agricultural and forestry sectors, this grant supports initiatives that mitigate the impact of climate change.
Land Capital Market Access Program
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) launched the Increasing Land, Capital, and Market Access (LCMA) Program to help underserved producers, including socially disadvantaged producers, by increasing their access to land, capital, and markets.
Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program
A grant to support activities in the middle of the food supply chain including aggregation, processing, and distribution.
Geared towards specialty crops, this grant supports projects that enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of crops such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and horticultural products.