Obtain a Pesticide Applicators License through the CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection in order to use herbicides and pesticides on your property.
Review the Farmers Market Reference Guide for information on attending farmers markets and becoming a certified farmer to be part of the Farmers Market Nutrition Program.
Obtain any and all CT Dept. of Agriculture licenses and permits that are required by your agricultural business and well as aquacultural businesses. Also check with the Department of Agriculture for animal health, identification, and interstate movement requirements if your business involves livestock, including equine, and/or poultry.
Farm Vehicle plates can to be obtained through DMV and only are issued if the farm has a Farmers’ Tax Exemption Permit. Fill out this form and take it with you to your local DMV.
Obtain other relevant state and municipal licenses and permits, such as those required to control wildlife that damages your crops as well as bird cannon/crop protection noisemaking device licensing.