Direct to Consumer Resources
Finding Your Market Guide- a Connecticut farmers guide to selling their farm products directly to consumers.
Farmers Market - for farmers, farmers’ markets create the opportunity for direct sales, an expanded customer base and higher on farm attendance. Follow the link above for information about participating in one of Connecticut’s farmers markets.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - a comprehensive guide to starting a CSA, best practices, pricing, and much more.
Farm to Chef - the CT Farm-to-Chef program helps connect Connecticut chefs and food service professionals with growers, producers, and distributors of CT Grown products. It also helps the public locate restaurants, institutions, and other dining facilities that serve foods prepared with CT Grown ingredients.
Farm to School - launched in May 2016 as a multi-stakeholder partnership whose function was to pursue projects together that no one partner could do alone. With a mission to utilize collective knowledge and resources to shift power and create equitable opportunities for locally produced food and food education in Connecticut schools and early childhood centers. Add your farm to the Farm to School Directory.
Northwest Connecticut Food Hub - began operations in July 2017. Since then it has worked with over 30 local farms and 20 wholesale buyers including grocery stores, restaurants, and institutions throughout the western half of CT and surrounding States.
Brass City Harvest - founded in 2007 with a mission to support urban farming, foster a sustainable community food system, provide nutrition education, and increase food access points to address many of the health, food, and social justice needs of underserved populations in Waterbury.
CLiCK - a multi-cultural, multi-service kitchen connecting farmers, chefs, and food lovers. Their producers buy local ingredients, support local farms, and help grow the local economy.
Point of Sales Resources
Farmers Guide to Direct Sales Software - While markets, restaurants, and other food distribution channels close or reduce operations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, farms across the country have expressed interest in using software platforms that support direct sales to consumers in their communities. This publication highlights product options and sales models that farmers may find helpful.
Places to List Your Farm Business
List your farm on the CT Grown Map - The Department of Agriculture offers a variety of online listings on the CT Grown Map page. It's free to participate and applications are accepted year round. To apply to be listed, visit the CT Grown Map Google Form.
HeartCTGrown - is an initiative to promote farms, Farmer's Markets, CSA's, and pick-your-own operations throughout the state of Connecticut. We believe that local food is an important venue for making meaningful connections to each other and to building strong, resilient, healthy communities that are ready to tackle challenges together.
Grown Connected - a resource for small farms and the farmers who raise super fresh and flavorful foods in Northeastern CT.