Industrial Wastewater Compliance Assistance

Photo images of valves, ocean and beakers

How to Maintain Compliance With Your Individual Discharge Permit

This information is a summary of key information and requirements that apply to your permit. It is your obligation to be familiar with all applicable requirements of the permit. This information is not a substitute for a thorough review of your permit and applicable laws: Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) Sections 22a-430 and the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA) Section 22a-430-1 through 8 in the event there is a discrepancy between these documents and your permit or the applicable laws, the statutes, regulations and your permit control.

Your Responsibilities

You are required to comply with all provisions of your permit at all times. Please take the time to carefully read your permit and then refer to this guidance. If you still have questions, please call the Water Permitting and Enforcement Division (WPED) at 860-424-3025.

  • Your permit states both explicitly and by reference, the terms and conditions under which you are authorized to discharge. Requirements incorporated by reference are equally important and as enforceable as those found explicitly in the permit.
  • You are also required to monitor the activities associated with your discharge.
  • Your permit requires that certain information be regularly submitted to the DEEP and that other records including monitoring, operations and maintenance data be retained on-site and submitted upon request.
  • You are expected to maintain constant compliance with your permit. In the event that you have, or suspect you may have a violation, malfunction, or certain other problems related to your treatment system, discharge or other related areas, you are also required to notify the DEEP and provide certain information. Note: You are under an obligation to submit this information regardless of whether we explicitly request it. In some cases where a discharge is directed to a local sewage treatment plant, notification of local officials is also required.
  • Pay special attention to:
Permit Information
Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)
Effluent Limitations

Under your permit you are authorized to discharge:

  • Pollutants in quantities and concentrations as specified in the permit;
  • Listed substances resulting from processes or activities described in the permit application.
Monitoring Requirements

You are required to monitor your discharge(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit.

  • Specific monitoring requirements for each discharge are noted separately under each discharge serial number (DSN).
  • Measurements and samples must be taken as specified in your permit. Appropriate collection, preservation, and analytical procedures are detailed in 40 CFR Part 136. Learn more about sample collection and documentation.
  • Monitoring equipment for verifying compliance with the permit limitations must be as approved by the DEEP.
  • If you monitor any discharge more frequently than required by the permit using test procedures approved under the federal regulations 40 CFR Part 136 or specified in the permit, the results must be included in the calculation and reporting of the data in the monitoring report.
Referenced Approvals

All wastewater discharged from your facility must be collected and discharged in accordance with your application and approvals issued by the DEEP.

  • Letters, reports, and other documentation submitted in relation to the application are considered part of the application. Approvals relevant to your permit application, including approvals for wastewater treatment systems, engineering studies, best management practices, etc. may be referenced in the permit.
  • Note that certain approvals issued by this department may be presented to the Department of Revenue Services with a request for tax relief.

Your permit may include a schedule for performing studies or other tasks related to your discharge. If you discover that a date cannot be met, you must notify the DEEP immediately and request an extension of the schedule. DEEP will grant a modification where appropriate. Schedules proposed by you and approved by the DEEP are enforceable permit conditions; and failure to meet such schedules shall be considered a permit violation.


See Notification Requirements for more information.

Bypasses: RCSA Section 22a-430-3(k)

You are prohibited from bypassing the collection system or treatment facilities or any part thereof unless:

  • It is (1) unanticipated, unavoidable, and necessary to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage and (2) there were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, including but not limited to the use of auxiliary or backup treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping the discharges, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime; or
  • You receive prior written approval of the bypass from the Department in order to perform essential maintenance, and the bypass does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded. 

Facility Modifications: RCSA Section 22a-430-3(i) (2) and (3)

  • You may not expand or significantly alter any wastewater collection or treatment facility or its method of operation without the prior written approval of the Department. There is an exception to this rule if the change is necessary to correct a permit violation or avoid an imminent permit violation.
  • DEEP must be notified of any changes made under this exception. You may not initiate a facility expansion or alteration, production increase or process modification which may:
      a) Result in the discharge of any new waste water, substance or material,
      b) Increase the quantity or concentration of an existing pollutant beyond Permit conditions, or
      c) Constitute a new source without first notifying the Department and obtaining either a permit modification or written notification that a permit modification is not required. Note that, if specifically authorized under an individual permit, certain process changes may be undertaken without prior written approval from the Department.
  • A request for a permit modification must be made using the Facility and Wastewater Treatment System Modification form. 

Substances and Materials

You are prohibited from discharging substances and materials not authorized to be discharged under your permit. See Effluent Limitations.

Discharges to POTWs: RCSA Section 22a-430-4(t)

No discharge may for any reason cause or threaten, either singly or in combination with other discharges, interference with or adverse effect upon the operation, discharge, safety, integrity, sludge handling, or environmental impact of a POTW. Please refer to your discharge permit, state regulations, and your local sewer ordinance for more specific prohibitions.

Reference and Resources
DEEP Contacts

Industrial Wastewater Contact Information

Verbal notifications

Water Permitting & Enforcement Division (WPED): 860-424-3025. When outside normal business hours, call 860-424-3338 and then 860-424-3025.

Bypass, Spill or Environmental Emergency: DEEP Emergency Response and Spill Prevention, 860-424-3338.

Written communications to the WPED

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), 79 Elm St., Hartford, CT 06106-5127.

Any written communications except those noted below:  Director, Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, WPED.

DMR Violations - Permit Limitations

Submit written notification with the next DMR form to:  Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, DMR Processing Unit.

Content last updated February 2020