Green Remediation
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greener Cleanup Standard Initiative works to improve the environmental outcome of site cleanups. Greener cleanups can minimize the environmental footprint of site remediation by reducing the impact to energy, water and natural resources.
EPA's core elements of a Greener Cleanup include:
- minimizing total energy use and maximizing the use of renewable energy
- minimizing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
- minimizing water usage and impacts to water resources
- reducing, reusing, and recycling material and waste
- protecting land and ecosystems by minimizing habitat disturbance
EPA recently signed a memorandum entitled “Consideration of Greener Cleanup Activities in the Superfund Cleanup Process” that strongly encourages the use of best practices (such as the ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups [E2893] BMPs) and/or footprint analysis (such as EPA’s Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis) in all phases of the remediation process.
EPA Region 1 Clean and Green Policy for Contaminated Sites - applies to all cleanups performed by EPA or under EPA oversight through Superfund, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action, Underground storage Tank (UST), and Brownfield programs. Region 1 promotes this policy in state cleanup programs.
The ASTM Standard for Greener Cleanups can complement state regulatory cleanup programs and accommodate for each phase in the investigation and remediation process. Please note that in using this ASTM, the environmental professional should evaluate the current standard of care and applicability to Connecticut's Remediation Standard Regulations.
- ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups (E2893-13), November 2013 (for purchase on ASTM website) - This guide provides a protocol to identify, prioritize, select, implement, and report the use of greener cleanup BMPs.
- ASTM Standard for Greener Cleanups FAQs
Guidance for Green Remediation in Connecticut
Although not required by regulation or statute in Connecticut, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection encourages the use of green and sustainable remediation (GSR) practices in conducting site investigation and cleanup. The use of green best management practices (BMPs) can produce economic benefits and better environmental outcomes. The following Programs align with GSR practices:
- DEEP presentation from the AEHS Conference (October 2016) on Greener Cleanups in Connecticut
- Siting Clean Energy on Brownfields - We can achieve greener cleanups through siting renewable energy on brownfields. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency [] lists 79 state and federal policies and incentives in our state.
- DEEP's Brownfields redevelopment programs and DECD's Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development - Developing Brownfields is “ ’green’ as it saves land, reduces the effect of contamination… and provides redevelopment where existing infrastructure exists.” – Task Force on Brownfields Strategies (February 2009) - The following list potential sites for redevelopment in Connecticut:
- Connecticut Brownfields Inventory
- List of Closed Landfills in Connecticut (2013)
- Example site in Connecticut where Green Remediation has been implemented:
Pharmacia-Upjohn, North Haven - DEEP's Green Infrasturcture and Low Impact Development webpage provides information on how to design with nature in mind and how to work with the natural landscape, hydrology and unique features of a site to avoid unnecessary water pollution, environmental degradation, and flooding.
Please note that in using these resources, the environmental professional should evaluate the current standard of care and applicability to Connecticut's Remediation Standard Regulations.
- EPA Introduction to Greener Cleanups
- EPA CLU-IN Green Remediation Focus - news, events, bulletins and site profiles
- Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups (EPA CLU-IN)
- Green Remediation Technology Primer: Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites (EPA CLU-IN)
- Profiles of Green Remediation (EPA CLU-IN) - examples of green remediation use at sites
- Superfund & Green Remediation
- ITRC Green and Sustainable Remediation
- Let's Talk "Green" LUST Sites (NEIWPCC LUSTLine)
- Green and Sustainable Remediation Presentation (NEWMOA, May 2015)
- Moving Towards Sustainable Remediation: Overview and Concepts Presentation (NEWMOA, December 2013)
- Moving Towards Sustainable Remediation: Optimization Concepts and Strategy Presentation (NEWMOA, December 2013)
- NEWMOA Climate-Waste Action Plan to Support State Efforts (July 2009)
Julianne Pardi SammutEPA Region I
Green Remediation Liaison
Kathleen Woodward
EPA Region I
Green Remediation Liaison
Content Last Updated November 12, 2021