Supervisory Applicator Recertification Meetings

Supervisory applicators must obtain 12 credit hours per licensing period for renewal of their supervisory pesticide license. This list identifies meetings/seminars that supervisory applicators can attend to obtain needed credits.  EPA webinars
 2020 Meeting Dates
Date Title*



Location (all in CT)


Phone Number


Credit Hours

1/6/2021 Using Organic Fertilizers for Vegetables PA  Virtual USDA, UConn 860-921-3288  1
1/7/2021 Identifying & Managing Pests in Vegetables PA Virtual USDA, UConn 860-921-3288 1
1/8/2021 ID-ing & Preventing Disease in Herbs & Vegetables PA Virtual USDA, UConn 860-921-3288 1
1/12/2021 CAGCS Winter Seminar 3A, 3B Virtual CAGCS 203-664-1136 3
1/14/2021 Pest of the Year! PA, 1A Virtual UConn, CES 360-202-4122 1.5
1/19/2021 Western US Summit on Floodwater Mosquitoes 7F, 8 Virtual Valent Biosciences 847-894-5120 4
1/19/2021 Insect & Disease Life Cycle PA, 3A, 3D Virtual Mark Kockinchak 203-903-7708 2
1/21/2021 Drought & Urban Trees 3A, 3D Virtual CTPA 203-484-2512 1.25
1/21/2021 Restoration Pruning: After the storm 3A, 3D Virtual CTPA 203-484-2512 1.25
1/21/2021 Here Comes Trouble 3A, 3D Virtual CTPA 203-484-2512 1.75
1/21/2021 Eastern US Floodwater Mosquito Summit 7F, 8 Virtual Valent Biosciences 847-894-5120 4
1/26/2021 Installation & Care of Ecotype Fauna PA, 3A, 3B Virtual Planters' Choice, LLC 203-648-7907 1
1/27/2021 What's New in Plants- Pest Resistance PA, 3A, 3B Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
1/27/2021 Climate Change: Impacts on Nurseries PA, 3A, 3B Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
1/27/2021 Coping with Invasive Earthworms PA, 3A, 3B Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
1/27/2021 Biological Controls for Turf Pests PA, 3A, 3B Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
1/28/2021 Winter Spinach Field Day PA, 1A Virtual UConn CES 860-921-3288 1
1/28/2021 Tick Management: Risks and Strategies PA, 3A Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
1/28/2021 New & Old Diseases and Insect Pests PA, 3A Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
1/28/2021 Container Gardens for Pollinators PA, 3A Virtual CNLA 800-562-0610 1
2/10/2021 Effective use of Plant Growth Regulators PA Virtual UConn CES 860-921-3288 1
2/17/2021 Managing Greenhouse Insects & Mites PA Virtual UConn CES 860-921-3288 1
2/24/2021 Disease of Spring Annuals and Herbaceous Plants PA Virtual UConn CES 860-921-3288 1
On-Demand GBBS: How to Effectively Use Low Prep 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Staying Ahead of the Game 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Bed Bugs a Complete Review 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Office Space Bed Bug Control 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Understanding Bed Bugs 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Strategizing Bed Bug Inspections 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Release the Hounds Canine Scent Detection 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1
On-Demand GBBS: Fumigation for Bed Bugs 7A, 8 Virtual NPMA 571-224-0375 1

Acronym Represents
ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects
CACIWC Connecticut Association of Conservation & Inland Wetlands Commissions
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
CAGCS Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents
CEHA Connecticut Environmental Health Association
CES Cooperative Extension System
CL&P Northeast Utilities
CTEC Connecticut Environmental Council
CCTGA Connecticut Christmas Tree Grower Association
CGGA  Connecticut Greenhouse Grower Association
CGKA Connecticut Grounds Keepers Association
CIPWG Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
CNF  Connecticut Nurseymen's Foundation
Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association
CPA Connecticut Parks Association
CPCA Connecticut Pest Control Association
CPS  Crop Production Services
CRPA Connecticut Recreation and Parks Association
CTASLA Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects
CT DPH Connecticut Department of Public Health
CTPA Connecticut Tree Protective Association
DEEP Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
MCC Manchester Community College
METGCSA Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents Association
NEAPMS Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society
NEMCA New England Mosquito Control Association
NEPA New England Park Association
NESTMA New England Sports Turf Managers Association
NOFA Northeast Organic Farmers Association
NPMA National Pest Management Association   
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
NWSS New England Weed Science Society
RESIDEX Residex Corporation
TACF The American Chestnut Foundation
TCIA Tree Care Industry Association
TWA Tree Warden Association
UConn University of Connecticut

For further information regarding location, fee, and official certification, please contact the sponsor as provided in the table above.

The University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension also offers meetings for recertification credit.  See their recertification meeting  schedule for 2019-2020.

For more information, please call the Pesticide Management Program at (860) 424-3369, email or write to:

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Pesticide Management Program
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106

Content Last Updated January 6, 2021