Commercial Pesticide Supervisor Certification- Public Health 

All people using pesticides professionally in Connecticut must possess an up to date certification issued by DEEP. An applicant for a public health pest control license is expected to possess a working knowledge of the operations performed by a pest control operator and the reasons for performing them. The public health license category includes state, federal, or other governmental employees using or supervising the use of restricted-use pesticides in public health programs for the management and control of pests having medical and public health importance. Outlined below are areas in which an applicant must be proficient.


An applicant should:

a. Be able to identify a wide variety of pests found in the region, including: 

 Cockroaches  Rodents  Animal Pests Mosquitos Flies Misc. Insects
 American  House mouse  Bats  Aedes  Black  Bedbugs
 Brown Banded  Norway Rat  Pigeons  Anopheles  Blow  Bees
 German   Roof Rat  Racoons  Culex  Deer  Fleas
 Oriental    Skunks    House  Lice (body and crab)
     Sparrows      Spiders
     Squirrels      Ticks (American and Brown Dog)
     Starlings      Wasps

 b. Know the biology and habitats or the species listed

c. Recognize evidence of infestation, such as damage, tracks, droppings, cast skin, and trails

d. Be aware of conditions such as moisture, heat, and light which favor infestation

e. Recognize harborages which favor infestation, such as improperly store materials, inproper sanitation practices, loose fitting wood, metal trim and baseboards


Having determined the needs of a given situation, the applicant should be able to prescribe and apply the proper treatment. This requires knowledge of:

a. Whether or not pesticides need to be applied

b. The pesticides used, their properties, such as effectiveness against certain pests and their toxicity to humans and warm bodied animals. These pesticides should include, but not be limited to:

 Insecticides Rodenticides Misc
 Baygon  ANTU  Abate
 Baytex  Cyanide  Avitrol
 Boric acid  Diphacionone  Flit MLO
 DDVP (Vapona)  Fumarin  Ornitrol
 Diazinon  Pival  
 Drione  Promar  
 Lindane  Red Squill  
 Dursban  Rozol ( chlorophacinone)  
 Ficam W  Strychnine  
 Malathion  Talon  
 Pyrethrins  tracking powders  
 Ronnel  Warfarin  
 Sevin (carbaryl)  Zinc phosphide  
 Silica  1080  


c. The dosages and timing involved

d. How the pesticides are to be mixed

e. The calibration of equipment

f. Methods of application and the various types of equipment

g. The proper storage and transportation of pesticides

h. State and Federal pesticide laws and regulations


Operational Practice

The applicant should know:

a. basic safety and handling rules for pesticide use

b. How and when to use common types of protective equipment

c. Early signs and symptoms of pesticide poisonings

d. First aid which can be used in the event of pesticide poisonings 

e. Precautions to be taken to protect workers, the public, and the environment

f. The proper disposal of pesticide containers and surplus pesticides 

Reference Material

Required study material 

Cornell Category 8: Public Health Manual: 

Content last updated April 21, 2022