Forest Pest Control Certification

All persons using pesticides professionally in Connecticut must possess an up-to-date certificate issued by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

An applicant for the forest pest control certificate is expected to possess a working knowledge of the kinds of operations performed by the forest pest applicator and the reasons for performing them. Outlined below are areas in which an applicant should be proficient.


The applicant should:

a) Be able to identify all common trees listed below:

 Ash ( Frazinus): Black, Green/White  Willow (Salix)
 Beech ( Fagus) : American  Atlantic Whitecedar ( Chamaecyparis)
 Birch ( Betula) : Black ( sweet), Gray, Paper (white), Yellow  Eastern Arborvitae (Thuja)
 Black Gum ( Nyssa)  Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus)
 Cherry (Prunus): Black, Pin  Fir (Abies)
 Dogwood ( Cornus): Flowering  Hemlock (Tsuga): Eastern
 Elm (Ulmus): American  Larch (Larix)
 Hawthorn (Crataegus)  Pine (Pinus): Eastern white, Pitch, Red
 Hickory (Carya): Butternut, Pignut, Shagbark  Spruce (Picea): Black, Norway, White
 Hophornbean (Ostrya)  
 Linden (Tilia): American, Basswood  
 Locust (Robinia): Black  
 Maple (Acer): Red(swamp), Sugar, Silver, Norway  
 Oak (Quercus): Black, Chestnut, Northern red, Pin, Scarlet, White  
 Poplar (Populus)  
 Sassafras (Sassafras)  
 Sumac (Rhus)  
 Sycamore (Platanus)  
 Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus)  
 Tuliptree (Liriodendron)  
 Walnut (Juglans): Black, White, Butternut  



b) Recognize the symptoms and agents responsible for any injuries, abnormalities and weaknesses. These agents include insects, animal pests, fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, but not limited to the following:


Aphids and Adelgids Caterpillars and Loopers Sawflies  Bark Beetle and Borers
 Cooley spruce gall adelgid Cankerworms Pine false webworm  Emerald ash borer
Eastern spruce gall adelgid  Eastern tent caterpillar Pine and Spruce  White pine weevil
 Hemlock woolly adelgid  Fall webworm Redheaded  Pales weevil
 Pine bark aphid  Forest tent caterpillar
 Root collar weevil
 Woolly beech aphid Spongy Moth  Scales  European pine shoot moth
 White pine  Oak leaf tier  Beech bark  Scolytid bark beetle
   Oak leaf roller  Hemlock  
 Leaf Miners  Spruce needle miner  Matsucoccus  Mites
Arborvitae leaf miner  Oak leaf miner  Oystershell  Spruce spider mite
Birch leaf miner Oak leaf skeletonizer  Pine Needle  Two-spotted spider mite
Holly leaf miner  Two-lined chestnut borer  Tulip Tree  Red spider mite
   Twig pruner    



Branch and Stem Canker Diseases Foliage Diseases Vascular Diseases
 Beech bark disease  Anthracnose  Ash yellows
 Black knot  Dogwood anthracnose  dutch elm disease
 Butternut canker  Needlecasts of true fir  Elm yellows (formerly Elm phloem necrosis)
 Eutypella canker  Needlecasts of pine  
 Chestnut blight  Needlecasts of spruce  Root Diseases
 Cytospora canker  Oak leaf blister  Annosus root rot (formerly Fomes root rot)
 Hypoxylon canker  Powdery mildew  Armillaria root rot (formerly shoestring root rot)
 Nectria canker  Tar spot  
 Strumella canker    New Exotic Diseases
 White pine blister rust    Ramorum blight/ Sudden oak death




Insecticides  Herbicides
 Dormant oil  Amitrole
 Guthion  Atrazine
 Kelthane  Paraquat
 Lindane  Phenoxy compunds
 Meta-Systox  2,4-D
 Methoxychlor  Roundup
 Sevin  Simazine



Study materials for all supervisory exams

Cornell Forest Manual:

Page last updated: April 22th, 2022