Submitting an Online Complaint

All information submitted is subject to Freedom of Information Act

Anonymous complaints will not be accepted, you will be required to submit an email and/or phone number to complete the submission of an online complaint.


To start a complaint, go to

You do not need to be logged into elicense, but if you would like to save your complaint before submitting it you must be logged in.

There are two ways to get to the complaint application:

  1. Go to online services, File a Complaint/Claim

  2. Look up a license and file a complaint from their license lookup screen

Next click File a New Complaint/Claim


From the Type of Complaint/claim drop down list select DEEP Pesticide Management Program and then enter the information on the business or individual you are filing a complaint against.


Click file Complaint, Claim


This will take you to the actual form to submit a complaint. Go through the complete form being sure to enter an answer for any field with a ‘*’, you cannot proceed without completing those fields.

The more detailed information, pictures or documentation you provide the easier it will be for us to follow up on your complaint.


What to expect after submitting a complaint

We follow up on all complaints, you should expect follow up from our office staff to gather more information, or one of our inspectors.  The inspector may want to set up a time to meet with you and obtain additional information, take a statement, or possibly collect a sample, depending on the nature of the case.

Note: depending on the time of the year we may have a lot of cases being worked on, please be patient follow-up may take several weeks.


If you have issues using the online complaint submission form you can always submit your complaint by email, mail or phone.



Pesticide Management & Arborist Programs

Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127 

p: 860-424-3369 |


Page last updated 11/1/2024