Permit and Environmental Compliance Assistance

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is committed to achieving the highest level of environmental protection for its citizens by using a combination of traditional and innovative regulatory approaches to assure compliance. The compliance assistance programs outlined below support the department's goal of maximizing compliance with environmental regulations while providing incentives to encourage facilities to go beyond compliance and, wherever possible, to integrate pollution prevention approaches as the preferred method of compliance.



The Office of Planning and Program Development (OPPD) provides a central point of contact for all stakeholders seeking information and assistance from the department including:
  • Coordinating multi-media access;

  • Maintaining an information hotline;

  • Assisting applicants in understanding the environmental permitting process and coordinating application processing for new and expanding businesses;

  • Scheduling and coordinating multi-media pre-application meetings in an effort to fully explain all permit application requirements;

  • Working in partnership with the CT Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), other state agencies, and municipalities in outreach efforts to new and expanding businesses;

  • Making referrals to and coordinating with other DEEP programs and non-DEEP service providers;

  • Providing outreach opportunities to promote compliance by better informing business and industry of their regulatory obligations. Such outreach highlights compliance success stories and innovative solutions to environmental problems.

  • Promoting improved environmental performance by providing guidance, training and recognition for the use of environmental management systems.

Contact the OPPD at or 860-424-3003.

The Small Business and Compliance Assistance Program is dedicated to:
  • Developing compliance assistance tools such as manuals and on-line training to simplify and streamline compliance tasks;

  • Providing fact sheets, seminars and workshops to educate businesses as regulatory requirements change;

  • Researching ideas to expand the availability of financial assistance when the lack of financing is an obstacle to environmental compliance;

  • Arranging meetings with technical staff to provide regulatory assistance;

  • Providing input to DEEP staff on the small business impacts of new regulations.

Contact the OPPD at or 860-424-3003.

The Environmental Justice Office ensures that no segment of the population bears a disproportionate share of the risks and consequences of environmental pollution. The Environmental Justice Program can help you work within your community to further this goal. 

Call the Environmental Justice Program at 860-424-3044
View Environmental Justice Program Information

The Hazardous Waste Compliance Assistance (COMPASS) Program was created to assist Connecticut businesses and industries in complying with waste management regulations by developing and implementing outreach programs which disseminate information and offer site specific assistance. COMPASS has three main components:
  • A toll-free number (888-424-4193) has been established for the regulated community which provides immediate access to DEEP hazardous waste management staff for general compliance assistance information requests.
  • Compliance Assistance Information - The Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division (WEED) offers guidance documents and sponsors training conferences and seminars for the regulated community. In addition, a Compliance Assistance Handbook is available which contains information on obtaining additional guidance documents and services.
  • Consultative Services - WEED offers consultative services in the form of site specific conferences focusing on hazardous waste regulations applicable to the facility and its operations. DEEP also offers on-site voluntary compliance audits to operators of new or expanding businesses.
  • DEEP has developed a free Hazardous Waste Management Online Training Course to assist businesses in meeting the initial and annual training requirements for hazardous waste generators under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Call COMPASS at 1-888-424-4193
View COMPASS Program  Information 

The Pollution Prevention (P2) Officeoffers a variety of pollution prevention and sustainability resources and services including:
Call the Pollution Prevention Office at 860-424-3297
View more Pollution Prevention Information

This overview is designed to answer general questions and provide basic information. You should refer to the appropriate statutes and regulations for the specific regulatory language of the different permit programs. This document should not be relied upon to determine whether or not an environmental permit is required. It is your responsibility to obtain and comply with all required permits.

Permits and Licenses Main Page


Content Last Updated February 2021