Pre-Application Assistance

An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet



While most projects are straight forward, requiring only one or two simple permits, some projects can be very complex. These complex projects may require many different permits and include fairly complicated application requirements. DEEP has a pre-application process to assist you with these more complex projects.

The first step in this process is to sit down and outline exactly what it is that you are planning to do and where you will be doing it. A detailed list of the activities to be performed and site characteristics will help both you and DEEP in assessing your permitting needs. A department wide Pre-Application Questionnaire (DEEP-APP-001) (PDF) (Word Fillable Form) has been developed to assist you in assembling this information.

After you have gathered this initial information, you should review the permit program fact sheets developed by DEEP, and all applicable statutes and regulations, to determine the permits you will need for your project. If you need further assistance in making this assessment, call the Department's Ombudsman in the Permit Assistance Office. The Ombudsman can help answer your questions either directly or by putting you in touch with the appropriate DEEP staff. Remember, it is your responsibility to obtain all required permits.

For larger projects or very complicated applications, the best way to assess your needs may be a pre-application meeting with appropriate DEEP staff. Some of our permitting programs highly encourage these meetings to expedite the permit application process. You must use the Pre-Application Questionnaire (DEEP-APP-001) (PDF) (Word Fillable Form) to request a pre-application meeting to ensure the participation of all appropriate staff. A Pre-Application Guidance checklist (PDF, Word Fillable Form) has also been created to further assist you. Although submittal of the Pre-Application Guidance is optional, DEEP may ask you to complete and submit the guidance checklist, depending on your project and the permits required, and to ensure a more productive meeting.

If you have any questions regarding the pre-application meeting, please contact the Permit Assistance Office, or the specific permit program, to discuss your needs. (See the Sources of Information (DEEP-FS-006) fact sheet for program phone numbers.)

Contact Information

Permit Assistance Office/Office of Planning and Program Development
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT  06106-5127

Fact Sheet: DEEP-FS-002

Users Guide to Environmental Permits

Content Last Updated September 2018