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  • Alewife

    Anadromous alewives are important forage fish for large gamefish such as striped bass and bluefish as well as many other animals, including osprey and marine mammals.

  • Herrings

    There are six native species of herring that commonly enter fresh waters in Connecticut.

  • Atlantic Menhaden

    Also known as “mossbunker” or simply “bunker.” Menhaden are important forage fish for large predatory fishes such as striped bass and bluefish.

  • Atlantic Salmon Management Areas

    Atlantic salmon management and recreational fishing

  • Trophy Fish Award Program

    Trophy Fish Award Program

  • CT Fishing

    Learn everything you need to get fishing safely, legally, and successfully in the State of Connecticut!

  • CARE Fishing Schedule

    Find the right class for you and Fish with CARE today!

  • CT Fishing

    Learn everything you need to get fishing safely, legally, and successfully in the State of Connecticut!

  • CT Fishing News

    Breaking news and updates related to fishing in Connecticut

  • What Is New

    Find out what is new with saltwater fishing in Connecticut.

  • Fishing Announcements

    Announcements from the Fisheries Division.

  • Burlington Hatchery

    Learn all about the Burlington State Fish Hatchery!

  • Fishing Challenge

    Catch one of every fish in this fishing challenge just for Youth Fishing Passport holders!

  • Fishing Guide

    Learn everything you need to get out fishing with the Connecticut Fishing Guide! Available online and in print.

  • River and Stream Regulations

    Regulations and other information for fishing in rivers and streams in Connecticut.