About Connecticut's Fishing Licenses

A fishing license is required for anyone age 16 or older. Read on to find out which license is the best fit for you and where you can purchase one. 100% of the revenue generated from fishing licenses supports the management and conservation of Connecticut’s natural resources. Fishing Fuels Conservation.

Where to Buy:

Fishing licenses are available for purchase online, at many town halls, DEEP field offices, and many retail shops where fishing equipment is sold. See full list of DEEP Sportsmen License Vendors 

Types of Fishing Licenses:

There are several licenses available for residents and nonresidents. All licenses are valid for the calendar year and expire on December 31. See details on all licenses.

Most Popular Licenses:

  • All Waters: All-purpose license perfect for fishing in both fresh and saltwater (inland and marine) with one license. You never have to worry about having the right license.
  • Inland Only: Perfect for those who fish freshwater exclusively. This license is free for CT residents who are age 65 or older.
  • Marine Only: Perfect for those who fish saltwater exclusively. This license is free for CT residents who are age 65 or older.
  • Trout and Salmon Stamp: an optional product to add to your fishing license. It is required for all anglers over the age of 16 who:
    1.) Keep (harvest) trout or salmon, and/or
    2.) Fish in waters under one of these four designations; Trout Management Area, Wild Trout Management Area, Trout Park, or Atlantic Salmon Management Area. Learn more about the Trout and Salmon Stamp.

Short Duration Licenses:

Just in town for a day or three? Non-residents have the option to get a 3 consecutive day license (separate license for freshwater and for saltwater).

License Reciprocity: If you are a resident of the state of Maine, Massachusetts, New York, or Rhode Island, your saltwater license is valid for Connecticut's marine district.

Other Common Licenses:

  • Combination Licenses: There are several licenses available that combine fishing and hunting at discounted rate compared to buying them individually.
  • Discounted Licenses: Connecticut residents age 16 or 17 can purchase any fishing license at a 50% discounted rate. There is no discount for non-residents.
  • Free Fishing License Days: Each year two dates are designated as a “free fishing license day”. Anyone can get a free 1-day all waters fishing license. All other fishing regulations remain in effect.
  • Active Duty Armed Forces: Those currently serving our country and are stationed in Connecticut are eligible to receive the licenses at the resident rate.
  • Free Licenses: Age 65+ can receive a free license for inland waters and marine waters. Free licenses are also available, with appropriate documentation, for people who are blind, intellectually disabled (public act 11-16), or have lost the permanent use of a limb.

For Young Anglers: While not a fishing license, to include our youngest and budding anglers, Connecticut has the FREE Youth Fishing Passport

For High School Teachers: A fishing license waiver can be granted to all students participating in a fishing field trip, provided the field trip is part of the school curriculum (call 860-424-3474 for details).

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Please contact the Fisheries Division with any questions.
Phone: 860-424-FISH (3474)
E-mail: deep.inland.fisheries@ct.gov

Content last updated February 2025