Water - Grants and Financial Assistance

Connecticut’s Clean Water Fund

The Clean Water Fund (CWF) provides a combination of grants and loans to municipalities which undertake wastewater infrastructure projects at the direction of the DEEP.  Projects funded include:

  • Sewage Treatment Plant Construction & Upgrades
  • Combined Sewer Overflow Remediation
  • Nutrient Removal Projects protecting Long Island Sound
  • Collection System Improvements
  • Non-point Source Pollution Control Projects affecting Long Island Sound
  • Water Pollution Control
  • River Restoration
  • Drinking Water Treatment Plant upgrades and waterline installations are funded by the CWF but administered by the Department of Public Health (DPH)
Eligible Parties:  Municipalities; Drinking water projects and private water systems are eligible for reimbursement through the Drinking Water division of the DPH.
Availability: Biennial call for projects issued.  Proposals are reviewed and assigned points based on a Priority Point Ranking System.  Funds authorized by the legislature determine the budget for the program.
Range of Awards:
(in dollars)

Combination of Grants & Loans. Call contact for specific information.

Agency Contact:

Clean Water Fund Management Office, Bureau of Financial and Support Services

Additional Program Information

Long Island Sound Research Grant Program

To support research that will enhance scientific understanding of Long Island Sound, and provide information needed by managers to protect and effectively manage the Sound and its valuable resources.

Eligible Parties:  In-state academic institutions.

As funds become available through the Bond Commission.

Range of Awards:
(in dollars)
Unrestricted, based on estimated project costs. Match recommended, but not required.
Agency Contact:
Harry Yamalis - Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse, Land and Water Resources
(860) 424-3034

Nonpoint Source (Section 319) Grant Program

Funding priorities are for implementation projects, particularly those that address a documented NPS-related water quality impairment identified on Connecticut’s List of Impaired Waterbodies. Funding priority is also for development of implementation plans, Total Maximum Daily Load analyses, or Section 319 defined watershed-base plans. Additional Information

Eligible Parties:  Any interested CT public or private organization.

RFP published January 31, 2019. Proposals due April 3, 2019.

Range of Awards:
(in dollars)
Match is not required but is considered when projects are ranked.
Agency Contact:
deep.watershed@ct.gov or your DEEP Watershed manager.

(860) 424-3959

Related Information:

Funding Sources for Watershed and Stormwater Projects

Clean Vessel Act Grants Program  - For installation of marine sanitation device (MSD) holding tank pumpouts, marine portable toilet holding tank dump stations and pumpout boats; and operation and maintenance (O&M) of existing Marine Sewage Disposal Facilities (MSDFs).


Grants and Financial Assistance