Connecticut's Watershed Management Program

DEEP created the Watershed Management Program to more effectively address water resource issues from an integrated watershed perspective.  The primary mission of Watershed Managers is to facilitate CT DEEP’s watershed management efforts to improve and maintain water quality within the State. To accomplish this, the managers have several key responsibilities. These include:

  • Serve as a central knowledge base about watershed areas in terms of natural features, water resource issues, and state and federal programs and activities;
  • Help to focus CT DEEP program activities on priority watershed management issues, throughout the state, including both protection of pristine waterbodies and restoration of impaired waterbodies;
  • Assist in the development of comprehensive watershed management plans to protect and restore water quality, conserve resources, enhance pollution control and prevention;
  • Act as a liaison between municipalities, residents, citizen groups and other stakeholders within watersheds to offer assistance and guide local land use decision making;
  • Provide education and public outreach regarding watershed issues; and 
  • Help to manage non-point source pollution related projects financed in part with funds from the Federal Clean Water Act (Sections 319, 104, 604) and State River Restoration Grants.

Watershed Management Areas

For purposes of watershed management, the state has been divided into five major watershed basins along natural watershed boundaries. DEEP Watershed Managers work within these five major watershed basins to assist communities in forming partnerships, drafting watershed based plans, and implementing environmental projects to restore and protect Connecticut's water quality on a watershed-wide scale.

Watershed Management Areas

Related DEEP Pages

Contact Information

The CT DEEP Watershed Management Program can be reached at      


Content last updated March 03, 2022.