CVA Grant Program Information

For pumpouts and dump stations at boating facilities (not for individual boats)


Participating in the Federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) grant program is a great way to upgrade your marina's boat waste handling facilities and provide your customers with quick and convenient waste handling. A Harbormaster or Harbor Management Commission can develop a presence on the water by operating a CVA funded pumpout boat program. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Boating Division administers the CVA Grant Program in Connecticut. This program provides federally funded grants for qualifying projects which provide boat sewage disposal facilities. Up to 75% of the cost of an approved project may be reimbursed.

Purpose of the Program

The purpose of the program is to increase the availability of proper waste handling facilities for boaters (known as Marine Sewage Disposal Facilities or MSDFs). Increased use of MSDFs will reduce the discharge of poorly treated or untreated sanitary wastes into the waters of Long Island Sound and its harbors thereby helping to improve water quality.

Who May Apply

Any owner/operator of a public or private marine facility desiring to install a new MSDF, with an existing MSDF in need of substantial repairs or upgrade, or desiring to obtain funding to operate and maintain a new or existing MSDF may apply. Additionally, municipal entities and non-profit entities that are interested in operating a pumpout boat may apply. Grantees must agree to make the funded MSDF available to the general public for free.

Should response to this program be larger than anticipated and funding becomes limited, facilities within targeted harbors may receive a higher level of priority over other areas. All selected grant recipients will be required to enter into a contractual grant agreement with the Department.

The fact that a marina facility is not currently in compliance with the state's regulatory programs does not preclude the submission of an application for the funding of your MSDF project. However, boating facilities applying for a grant must bring their facilities into compliance with these regulatory programs in order to receive funding.

Eligible Projects

Funding is currently available for MSDF projects statewide. A solicitation for new and continued projects is issued each year. It is anticipated that funding will be available for projects through December 31 of the upcoming boating season. Please see sample Federal Clean Vessel Act Grant Application. (Download the pdf and save it to your computer. To view the sample application, open it in Acrobat Reader DC or Acrobat DC)

Grants are available for installation, operation and maintenance (O&M) of MSDFs.  Central vacuum pumpout systems which are incorporated within the dock system are MSDFs and are eligible for funding.  These systems will be a secondary priority for funding following funding of new  or replacement pumpouts and O&M of existing facilities.  We are also encouraging the development of pumpout boat programs in harbors across the state.

For facilities who have already installed a Marine Sewage Disposal Facility (MSDF), funding for operation and maintenance (O&M) projects for the upcoming boating season is also now available.  Grants will be made for reimbursement of up to 75% of the project cost of O&M of existing MSDFs for the upcoming boating season. The operator of any existing MSDF is eligible for O&M funding provided the pumpout or dump station is publicly available for a reasonable daily/weekly/seasonal period, at no cost. Central vacuum pumpout systems which are incorporated within the dock system are MSDFs and are eligible for funding.  These systems will be considered as a secondary priority for funding. 

How to Apply

The State of Connecticut has implemented a web-based, statewide e-sourcing solution called, CTsource. This web-based sourcing replaces BizNet. 

All documents and notifications for the grant will be available on the State Contracting Portal (CTsource) located on the CTsource web page hosted by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS).  

To find this grant proposal:
• Click on the CTsource link above.
• Select CTsource Bid Board.
• In "Search Solicitations” enter the Solicitation Number: DEEP030525MM
• Scroll to this Solicitation Number: DEEP030525MM and select it. 

To apply for a CVA Grant you will have to register as a supplier with CTsource in order to respond to business opportunities issued by the  Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. You may quickly register by creating a username and password at the following website: Create a CTsource Account for Doing Business with the State.

To learn more about how to register as a supplier, visit: Supplier Registration and User Guide

How to respond to a solicitation, visit: Supplier Solicitation Response and Addenda Guide

For CTsource Support contact DAS
Department of Administrative Services, Procurement Division
For assistance with your CTsource account:

Proposals must be submitted on CTsource .   


Communications Notice **IMPORTANT**

Proposers may submit questions about the RFP to the Official Agency Contact. All questions must be e-mailed. Anonymous questions will not be answered. The agency reserves the right to provide a combined answer to similar questions.

Questions received by the set deadline will be answered as an addendum to the RFP on CTsource, the state contracting portal. Proposers are responsible for checking the state contracting portal for amendments.
To request a Proposers’ Conference, please e-mail

All other communication with the agency or anyone representing the agency regarding this RFP is prohibited. Any violation of this prohibition by Proposers or their representatives may result in disqualification from consideration for a contract award under this RFP.
RFP Timeline

Important Dates 

March 5, 2025  RFP Released 
March 27, 2025  Proposers’ Conference, if requested by any applicant
April 3, 2025, 4:00pm EST  Deadline for Questions
April 17, 2025  Official Answers Released (required if questions submitted)
June 3, 2025, 4:00pm EST  Deadline for Submitting Proposals
June 24. 2025  Contractor Selection
July 8, 2025  Start of Contract Negotiations
January 1, 2026  Estimated start date

Additional Resources

A Guidebook for Marina Owners and Operators for the Installation and Operation of Sewage Pumpout and Dumpout Stations

Sport Fish Restoration Logo
Federal Aid Project
funded by your purchase
of fishing equipment
and motor boat fuels