HOT Approach

Read time: 6 minutes

What is the HOT Approach?

The HOT Approach builds higher-order thinking skills and prepares students to be successful learners and contributors. It uses standards-based arts education, arts integration, and democratic practices to develop school cultures that reflect all members of the community and emphasize individual leadership.

This approach considers each child, teacher, artist, administrator, and school community. It supports and celebrates a child’s individual voice and gives them tools to become creative, successful life-long learners.

The program offers professional development and grants to help teachers and schools implement this approach.

Professional Development

HOT Approach participants learn skills and collaborate to develop strategies to tackle learning challenges. The program supports higher-order thinking skills and inquiry-based teaching and learning through creating, performing, responding, and connecting. Visit Arts for Learning Connecticut to learn more.


Learn more, including how to apply.

Learn More

Email program manager Tekowa Omara-Otunnu.

HOT Approach