Historic Preservation
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Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Learn how to qualify and apply for a 25% state tax credit on expenses used to rehabilitate a certified historic structure.
Building Requirements and Codes
Learn how a historic property should comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and lead-paint abatement requirements.
Read or download the SHPO's regional survey contexts.
Section 106 Review and Compliance
Get technical guidance for publicly funded projects that can have an impact on historic Connecticut resources.
Learn how the National Park Service evaluates a historic site for this special designation.
National Register of Historic Places
Learn the eligibility requirements and application procedure to have a historic site listed on the National Register.
Local Historic District and Property Designations
Learn how a municipality can establish historic districts and properties. Discover SHPO training for municipal officials and local historic preservation officials.
Learn how sites associated with African-American history or state heritage can be listed on the Connecticut Freedom Trail.
Find out about studies that can support nominations to the National and State Registers of Historic Places.
Learn about the historic role that Connecticut played in the American Revolution.
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA)
Learn about the state's legal recourse after unreasonable destruction to our natural resources or historic structures.
Connecticut Environmental Protection Act
Learn about the state's legal recourse after unreasonable destruction to our natural resources or historic structures under the Connecticut Environmental Protection Act.
Learn how the state helps evaluate the environmental impact of a proposed project on a historic resource.