Acknowledge COA Support

Read time: 3 minutes

How do I show I got financial support from the Office of the Arts?

Individuals and organizations that accept funds from the COA must comply with the grant contract. This includes acknowledging the financial support you received from COA.

Acknowledging COA Support

All grant recipients acknowledge COA support by including our logo in all print and electronic materials that may be seen by the public. You can choose from three options and reproduce the logo in full color or black and white. The logo cannot be altered.

When it’s not appropriate to include the logo, acknowledge COA with the words “with support from the Connecticut Office of the Arts, which also receives funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), a federal agency.”


The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) offers broad guidelines on the usage of the Connecticut brand mark, including how to feature your own Connecticut imagery or design within the CT. See Use the Connecticut Brand.


If there aren’t any print or electronic materials for your project, tell the audience we provide support before each performance or event.

Access the Connecticut Brand Guidelines and download logos.


Materials that must include our logo or credit statement include:

  • Marketing and promotion materials: Examples include web pages, intranets, ads, commercials, press releases and announcements, season and subscription brochures, newsletters, and more.
  • When you use our logo online, link it to Arts and Creativity.
  • Include our logo on any billboards and in ads that are at least 10 column inches.
  • Programs and playbills: Place the COA logo in a prominent location, such as the cover or title page. List “Connecticut Office of the Arts” in the donor category appropriate to the level of financial support received.
  • Exhibit signs: Include “Connecticut Office of the Arts” with other major public, private, and corporate sponsors in any sign or wall text listing sponsors and place it based on the size of the award.
  • Educational materials: Examples include pamphlets, flyers, and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Donor recognition: Acknowledge COA in any materials listing your annual or ongoing supporters.

Promote Public Funding of the Arts

COA grants depend on public financial support. Please tell your elected officials, political leaders, and the public how state funding has helped your or your organization strengthen the community, local economy, education, tourism, workforce development, and more.

Please also thank the governor and your representatives in the Connecticut General Assembly for funding the arts. Your thanks will encourage them to continue supporting the COA and public funding of the arts. Mail or email your thanks to:

The Honorable Governor Ned Lamont
Office of the Governor
State Capitol, 210 Capitol Ave
Hartford, CT 06106

The Honorable (Name of Legislator)
Legislative Office Building
Hartford, CT 06106-1591

Working with the Media

The National Endowment for the Arts’ Working with the Media Toolkit can help you publicize your project in local media.

Grant Recipients