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Waterbury State's Attorney's Office to Host Community Resource Fair June 3



(Waterbury, CT) - The Waterbury State’s Attorney’s Office will host a Community Resource Fair in collaboration with the City of Waterbury, the Waterbury Police Department and Community Partners in Action on Saturday, June 3, 2023. 

The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Waterbury City Hall, 235 Grand Street in Waterbury. 

Like previous resource events organized by the Waterbury State’s Attorney’s Office, this event will bring together a broad coalition of community advocates all similarly vested in the success of the communities the Waterbury courthouse serves, including the City of Waterbury and surrounding towns. 

This resource fair is intended as a one-stop shop for local residents to receive free health screenings, free toiletry distribution, free gift cards to local eateries, children’s activities and information about education, employment, housing assistance, behavioral health, substance abuse, food pantry, re-entry, and many more community services. For many, these resources are vital to support their journey in personal growth and continued development. 

This year’s fair includes a series of performances including spoken words and dance by members of the Waterbury Youth Services, a magic show by Cyril May and dancing and string band performances by Waterbury Arts Magnet School students.

This event is one in a series of events created and spearheaded by Ann Taylor, Paralegal Specialist and former social worker at the Waterbury State’s Attorney’s Office, who coined the slogan for these events as “HOPE. Be your community.” Taylor, along with State’s Attorney Platt, will open the event with special remarks. 

Supervisory Investigator James Clary, who is from Waterbury, has been key in driving donations, participation, and other resources to not only this event but also to all prior events. Deputy Assistant State’s Attorneys Marsha Beckford and Kassie DeFala are also assisting with this year’s event. Other partners for the event include the Waterbury Police Athletic League (PAL), Middlebury Police Department, Naugatuck Police Department, Watertown Police Department, Wolcott Police Department and employees at the Waterbury courthouse who have been donating items for the fair.

The Waterbury State’s Attorney’s Office is dedicated to engaging in outreach efforts in the communities that we serve. I am extremely excited to be hosting an event that shows just how much we care about the community,” Waterbury State’s Attorney Maureen T. Platt said. “This year’s fair promises to be even larger and more representative of the community than last year’s event. We truly hope to make a difference in the lives of the people that we serve with this interaction with the community. I would like to commend the work of Ann and James - the driving forces behind this important event – and the efforts of the entire Waterbury State’s Attorney’s Office as well as our local police and social service groups.”

In the event of rain, the resource fair will be held on Saturday, June 10, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The Waterbury State's Attorney's Office is still accepting donations of toiletries, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, shaving cream, feminine hygiene products, disposable wipes, underwear and socks. To donate or for further questions about the Community Resource Fair, contact Ann Taylor at, or drop off donations at Waterbury City Hall.




