Chief State’s Attorney’s Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of January 14, 2019
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane called the meeting to order at 12:47 p.m.

In attendance were: Deputy Chief State’s Attorneys Kevin D. Lawlor and John J. Russotto; State’s Attorneys Richard J. Colangelo, Jr. (Stamford/Norwalk), Michael A. Gailor (Middlesex); Matthew C. Gedansky (Tolland); Patrick J. Griffin (New Haven), Gail P. Hardy (Hartford), Margaret E. Kelley (Ansonia/Milford), Anne F. Mahoney (Windham), Maureen T. Platt (Waterbury), Brian W. Preleski (New Britain), Michael L. Regan (New London),  Stephen J. Sedensky III (Danbury), David Shepack (Litchfield) and John C. Smriga (Fairfield).

Also present: Executive Assistant State’s Attorney Brian Austin, Jr., legislative liaison Wilfred Blanchette, Jr., and Communications and Legislative Specialist Mark A. Dupuis.

State’s Attorney Sedensky made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 17, 2018, meeting. State’s Attorney Gedansky seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto distributed information on employee compliance with training requirements.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Lawlor reported on the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children: (1) distributed draft guidelines for multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) and the State’s Attorney’s role in the MDT; (2) will draft a protocol for the handling of DVD recordings of child forensic interviews for review by the State’s Attorneys; (3) reported on concerns with task force bylaws and compensation of task force members; and (4) the task force is looking for a member from law enforcement. State’s Attorney Platt recommended an officer from the Waterbury Police Department.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Lawlor reported on meetings with the Division of Public Defender Services concerning DNA hits and any obligation of the State’s Attorney to notify defense counsel if exculpatory information is detected. The Case Management System will help to address the issue when it is operational. State’s Attorney Gailor will distribute a list of all pending DNA hits for each Judicial District. The State’s Attorneys should offer any suggestions for addressing the concerns, and Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Lawlor will draft a protocol on the matter.

State’s Attorney Preleski distributed the Conviction Integrity Review Protocol drafted by the Operations Committee. Comments should be submitted so the Operations Committee can consider them and discussion take place at the next State’s Attorney’s meeting.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that the development of Strategic Business Plans continues with employee surveys being created.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that impact bargaining continues with the Connecticut Association of Prosecutors concerning the draft Ethics Guidelines for Prosecutors. The State’s Attorneys should submit any additional comments as soon as possible.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that the Governor’s Recommended Budget will be submitted to the General Assembly in February. Marc Pelka, appointed by Governor Lamont as Undersecretary for Criminal Justice Planning, has expressed interest in meeting with the State’s Attorneys.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that Geographical Area No. 17, Bristol, has been selected as the pilot location for testing the first components of the Case Management System.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that interviews are scheduled this week for the Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist and will be scheduled for the Director of Human Resources. A list of potential retirements is being produced to assist the State’s Attorneys with planning for future needs.

Legislative liaison Wilfred Blanchette reported that the Division has submitted its legislative recommendations for the 2019 Session of the General Assembly.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Lawlor reported that discussions are continuing with regard to proposed legislation on discovery in criminal cases. The State’s Attorneys should continue to collect information on the negative impact of the proposals. Chief State’s Attorney Kane suggested that the State’s Attorneys consider meeting with defense attorneys to discuss any concerns in their districts.

State’s Attorney Mahoney distributed initial results of a survey on Division training. The survey will be distributed to all prosecutors. Dates for the Annual Professional Development Conference for Prosecutors have not been set.

State’s Attorney Sedensky reported that the United States Attorney has again invited State’s Attorneys to participate in “table top” training exercises. State’s Attorney Griffin suggested that all State’s Attorneys obtain federal security clearance to facilitate their involvement in federal investigations.

There being no further business, State’s Attorney Colangelo made a motion to adjourn the meeting. State’s Attorney Mahoney seconded the motion, it passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 2:19 p.m.