Chief State’s Attorney’s Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of October 15, 2018
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.

In attendance were: Deputy Chief State’s Attorneys Kevin D. Lawlor and John J. Russotto; State’s Attorneys Richard J. Colangelo, Jr. (Stamford/Norwalk), Patrick J. Griffin (New Haven), Gail P. Hardy (Hartford); Margaret E. Kelley (Ansonia/Milford), Anne F. Mahoney (Windham), Maureen Platt (Waterbury), Brian W. Preleski (New Britain), Michael L. Regan (New London); David Shepack (Litchfield), John C. Smriga (Fairfield), and Senior Assistant State’s Attorneys Jason Germain (Danbury) and Russell C. Zentner (Middlesex).

Also present: Executive Assistant State’s Attorney Brian Austin, Jr., legislative liaison Wilfred Blanchette, Jr., and Communications and Legislative Specialist Mark A. Dupuis.

State’s Attorney Shepack made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 17, 2018, meeting. State’s Attorney Colangelo seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Chief State’s Attorney Kane introduced guests Assistant United States Attorney Patrick J. Caruso and Supervisory Special Agent Jon A. Rubinstein of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for a presentation on the opioid crisis. The State’s Attorneys are asked to designate a coordinator in each Judicial District to work with the United States Attorney on community outreach and prosecution of opioid cases.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Lawlor reported on ongoing discussions regarding legislative proposals concerning discovery requirements in criminal prosecutions. The State’s Attorneys were asked to provide specific examples of why the legislation is not needed and would be a burden.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that there are currently 59 vacancies. A list for filling positions is being developed. Chief State’s Attorney Kane is working with the Criminal Justice Commission to schedule meetings for filling prosecutor vacancies.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto distributed a draft of the Ethical Guidelines for Prosecutors for review and comments by the State’s Attorneys.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reminded the State’s Attorneys that training on the development of Strategic Business Plans will be provided at the November meeting by the Department of Public Policy at the University of Connecticut.

State’s Attorney Mahoney reported that the Training Committee is developing a survey that will be distributed to employees regarding training issues.

State’s Attorney Platt reported concerns regarding the notification of victims when a petition for a writ of habeas corpus is filed. State’s Attorney Preleski agreed that the Operations Committee will review victim notification for all post-conviction proceedings.

State’s Attorney Regan reported on a police department refusing to conduct field-testing of heroin or fentanyl because of safety concerns. The department will not purchase the equipment necessary to provide safe field-testing. No other State’s Attorney reported a similar situation.

There being no further business, Chief State’s Attorney Kane adjourned the meeting 2:08 p.m.