Chief State’s Attorney’s Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of November 20, 2017
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane called the meeting to order at 12:33 p.m.

In attendance were: Deputy Chief State’s Attorneys Leonard C. Boyle and John J. Russotto; State’s Attorneys Richard J. Colangelo, Jr. (Stamford/Norwalk), Matthew C. Gedansky (Tolland), Patrick J. Griffin (New Haven), Gail P. Hardy (Hartford), Kevin D. Lawlor (Ansonia/Milford), Anne F. Mahoney (Windham), Peter A. McShane (Middlesex), Maureen Platt (Waterbury), Brian Preleski (New Britain), Michael L. Regan (New London), Stephen J. Sedensky III (Danbury), David Shepack (Litchfield) and John C. Smriga (Fairfield).

Also present: Executive Assistant State’s Attorneys Brian Austin, Jr., and Michael A. Gailor, Legislative liaison Wilfred Blanchette, Jr., and Communications and Legislative Specialist Mark A. Dupuis.

State’s Attorney Sedensky made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 16, 2017, meeting. State’s Attorney Hardy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported on “holdbacks” ordered by the Governor to the 2017-18 budget adopted by the General Assembly. The Division anticipates 61 vacancies as of January 2018 and is still assessing future hiring.

Chief State’s Attorney Kane reported that the Legislative Committee continues to receive proposals for the 2018 legislative session and will meet to set priorities. State’s Attorneys should submit any recommendations as soon as possible.

Legislative liaison Wilfred Blanchette reported that Division leadership has met with one of the Senate chairs of the Appropriations Committee and plans to meet the other in the near future.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto distributed a draft of a Strategic Business Plan for review by the State’s Attorneys. The State’s Attorneys are asked to review the draft for further discussion. The Division also is awaiting assistance from outside sources the Chair of the Criminal Justice Commission is seeking from the University of Connecticut to aid in the development of management plans for each State’s Attorney.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto stated that all State’s Attorneys are invited to the November 28, 2017, training program for Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorneys.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto distributed drafts of a new employee self-evaluation form and revised employee evaluation forms. The State’s Attorneys are asked to review the drafts and offer any input to the management representatives on the Labor/Management Committee.

State’s Attorney Smriga recommended the Division examine Practice Book provisions that the failure to sign information is treated as dismissal of a case. The provision may be having a negative impact on the pilot case pre-screening programs under way in Bridgeport and Waterbury.

Executive Assistant State’s Attorney Austin reported that management training for State’s Attorneys and Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorneys will be held on November 28, 2017 and training on investigating and prosecution sexual assault cases will be held on November 30, 2017. The Division is working to establish a system for electronic recording of training programs and making them accessible from employee computers. State’s Attorneys were reminded that training credits are now calculated on a calendar year basis and prosecutors should plan accordingly.

There being no further business, State’s Attorney Platt made a motion to adjourn. State’s Attorney Colangelo seconded the motion and it passed without opposition. The meeting was adjourned at 1:42 p.m.
