Chief State's Attorney's Meeting - 10/27/08

In attendance: Kevin Kane, Paul Murray, John Russotto, Jonathan Benedict, David Cohen, John Connelly, Michael Dearington, Matthew Crockett for Patricia Froehlich, Matthew Gedansky, Gail Hardy, Kevin Lawlor, Timothy Liston, Scott Murphy, Michael Regan, David Shepack and Stephen Sedensky.

Also in attendance: Judith Rossi, Michael Gailor, Mark Dupuis, Wilfred Blanchette and Charles Stango.

The minutes from the September 22, 2008, meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane announced that training by Department of Correction Commissioner Theresa Lantz is scheduled for November 5, 2008. All Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorneys and State’s Attorneys were encouraged to attend.

Mr. Kane and Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Chuck Stango reported on their recent meeting with the Criminal Practice Commission concerning discovery issues. Discussion ensued concerning possible changes to the Practice Book and proposals made by the defense bar. The next meeting of the Criminal Practice Commission is scheduled for November 21, 2008. Messrs. Kane, Stango and State’s Attorney Patricia Froehlich will attend on behalf of the Division of Criminal Justice.

Director Deborah Messina, of the Connecticut Forensic Science Laboratory, has requested that the lab be notified if a defendant pleads out in connection with a case in which forensic testing is pending.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney John Russotto reported on the status of  the Division’s case management system. He indicated that the facilitated workshops were successful and that future sessions will be scheduled.

Mr. Kane and the Division’s Legislative Liaison, Will Blanchette, discussed the upcoming legislative agenda.

The State’s current fiscal crisis and its impact on the Division’s ability to fulfill its mission was discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
