Division of Criminal Justice Advisory Board 

Office of the Chief State's Attorney

300 Corporate Place

Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Minutes of the Meeting of September 6, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 2:13 p.m. by Middlesex State's Attorney Michael A. Gailor. 

Also present were: Chief State's Attorney Patrick J. Griffin; Deputy Chief State’s Attorney of Administration, Personnel and Finance John J. Russotto; Deputy Chief State’s Attorney of Operations Kevin Lawlor; Deputy Chief State’s Attorney, Inspector General Robert J. Devlin, Jr.; State’s Attorneys Margaret E. Kelley (Ansonia/Milford), David R. Applegate (Danbury), Joseph T. Corradino (Fairfield), Sharmese L. Walcott (Hartford), Michael A. Gailor (Middletown), Christian M. Watson (New Britain), John P. Doyle, Jr. (New Haven), Paul J. Narducci (New London), Paul J. Ferencek (Stamford/Norwalk), Matthew C. Gedansky (Tolland), Anne F. Mahoney (Windham) Maureen T. Platt (Waterbury) and Criminal Justice Commission Member Scott Murphy. In addition, Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorney Karen Roberg was in attendance on behalf of David R. Shannon (Litchfield).

Also present: Executive Assistant State’s Attorneys Kathryn W. Bare, Lisa D’Angelo, Gail Hardy and Brett Salafia; Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorney David Kutzner, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Timothy J. Sugrue, Legislative Liaison Anne Cournoyer, Manager of Research and Planning Kyle Baudoin, and Chief Inspector Michael Sullivan.


A motion to accept the minutes from the August 6, 2023 meeting was made by State's Attorney Corradino and was seconded by State's Attorney Mahoney. It passed unanimously.


State's Attorney Corradino had nothing to report. Deputy Chief State's Attorney Russotto updated the board on the supervisor manual currently under production, describing it as a “nuts and bolt” resource for State’s Attorneys and Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorneys. He reported that a supervisor’s training is planned for November. The State’s Attorneys' retreat will be held in February.


State's Attorney Platt reported that the committee completed work on two policies, one titled “Disclosure,” and the other titled “Victim Notification in Post-Judgment Proceedings." A vote to pass both polices was considered. Inspector General Devlin voiced concerns over language in the Disclosure policy relating to the state’s obligation in some circumstances to disclose the identity of an informant.  State's Attorney Corradino moved to table a vote on that matter pending further discussion. The board voted on the post-judgment policy. It passed unanimously. State's Attorney Platt further reported that the committee would next meet on September 14 to discuss numerous aspects of P.A. 23-53 and how that legislation will impact the Division when it becomes effective on October 1, 2023.


Deputy Chief State's Attorney Russotto reported that four State’s Attorneys are scheduled to be interviewed.


None reported.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 11:08 a.m. by State's Attorney Corradino. State's Attorney Ferencek seconded the motion. The meeting was then adjourned.

