Criminal Justice Commission

Minutes of the Meeting of June 26-29, 2020

The Honorable Andrew J. McDonald, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. In accordance with Executive Orders issued because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was conducted by electronic conference (ZOOM software). The public was provided notice of the meeting via the Division of Criminal Justice/Criminal Justice Commission website and invited to observe the proceedings and participate and/or submit public comment.

In addition to the public, participating in the meeting were: The Honorable Melanie L. Cradle, attorneys Robert Berke, Reginald Dwayne Betts, Scott Murphy and Moy Ogilvie and Chief State’s Attorney Richard J. Colangelo, Jr.

Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo moved to accept the minutes of the June 18, 2020, meeting. Judge Cradle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Justice McDonald thanked members of the public for participating and for their understanding as the meeting is being conducted with limited technical support. The Commission does not anticipate concluding its business today and expects to recess at 5 p.m. and resume Monday, June 29, 2020.

For purposes of public participation, individuals will be called in the order they signed up, and given the number of individuals signed up there will be strict adherence to the three-minute time allowed to each speaker. Members of the public are allowed to speak only once; the State’s Attorneys who are being interviewed will be given an opportunity to respond following the public participation. Those wishing to offer public comment must sign up by 5 p.m. today through the Division of Criminal Justice email.

Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo reported to the Commission on the status of the reopening of Division offices with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some sentencings will occur and will be done via remote link.

State’s Attorney Maureen T. Platt was unable to participate due to technical difficulties with the audio connection. At 1:22 p.m., State’s Attorney Gail P. Hardy was invited to present her opening statement regarding her reappointment as State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Hartford after which the Commission proceeded with its interview. The interview concluded at 4:56 p.m. and Justice McDonald announced that all who had signed up to provide public comment would be afforded the opportunity when the meeting resumes on Monday, June 29, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.

Justice McDonald declared the meeting in recess at 4:58 p.m. The meeting reconvened on Monday, June 29, 2020, at 9:15 a.m. All members of the Commission were present.

Justice McDonald apologized to members of the public who had waited patiently on Friday when the interview with State’s Attorney Hardy went longer than anticipated. The public will be allowed to participate today with the three-minute limit for each speaker strictly enforced.

At 9:18 a.m., Justice McDonald invited State’s Attorney Platt to present an opening statement after which the Commission proceeded with its interview. The interview concluded at 11:29 a.m. at which time the Commission took a break until 11:38 a.m. when public comment began. Twenty-eight individuals provided public comment. The Commission went through the sign-up list twice in an effort to assure that all who had signed were given the opportunity to speak.

Judge Cradle moved to amend the agenda to include an executive session to discuss the reappointments of the State’s Attorneys for the Judicial Districts of Waterbury and Hartford. Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Attorney Murphy moved to enter executive session to discuss the reappointments of the State’s Attorneys for the Judicial Districts of Waterbury and Hartford. Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The executive session began at 1:34 p.m.

The Commission reconvened in public session at 3:06 p.m. Justice McDonald announced that no motions were made or votes taken during the executive session.

Attorney Murphy moved to reappoint Maureen T. Platt as State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Waterbury for the eight-year term commencing July 1, 2020. Attorney Ogilvie seconded the motion and it passed on a vote of 6-1, with Attorney Betts in opposition.

Justice McDonald announced that State’s Attorney Hardy had submitted a letter to Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo during the executive session withdrawing her application for reappointment. She will continue to serve until the Commission has appointed a successor.

Justice McDonald congratulated State’s Attorney Platt on her reappointment and thanked State’s Attorney Hardy for her many years of service in Hartford. Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo announced that State’s Attorney Hardy, upon appointment of her successor, will become an Executive Assistant State’s Attorney in the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney to work on diversity and inclusion initiatives for the Division.

There being no further business, Chief State’s Attorney Colangelo moved to adjourn. Attorney Murphy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.