Criminal Justice Commission

Minutes of the Meeting of November 20, 2017
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

The Honorable Andrew J. McDonald called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.  In attendance: The Honorable Juliett L. Crawford, Attorney Mary M. Galvin, Attorney Eric J. George, Attorney Moy N. Ogilvie and Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane. Attorney Erick A. Russell participated by telephone.

Justice McDonald explained that the meeting was an outgrowth of the previous meeting where three members were very new to the commission and the group felt a need more regular interaction with the State’s Attorneys to explore how the commission can assist the State’s Attorneys in their role.  Several of the State’s Attorneys were in attendance; Chief State’s Attorney Kane reported that some were in court and might not be able to attend.

Attorney George made a motion, seconded by Attorney Ogilvie, to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 16, 2017.  The motion passed unanimously.

Justice McDonald led a discussion of the need for development of business or management plans by each of the State’s Attorneys.  Several members of the Commission and State’s Attorneys offered suggestions and concerns regarding the development of such plans and related issues. Justice McDonald volunteered to contact the University of Connecticut School of Business to try to arrange for training and assistance for the State’s Attorneys in development of the plans.

Justice McDonald opened a discussion of the employee evaluation and review process.  Deputy Chief State’s Attorney John J. Russotto reported that this process and the employee evaluation forms are subjects that are being discussed with representatives of the employee unions and those discussions are very productive because both management and labor recognize the benefits of improving the process.  Several commission members and State’s Attorneys offered input on the current evaluation process and possible improvements.  It was suggested that the evaluation process be more dynamic and that consideration be given to having some form of evaluation by the staff be a part of the evaluation of the State’s Attorneys.

Attorney Galvin led a discussion of the need for a comprehensive ethics policy for Division of Criminal Justice prosecutors.  Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Boyle reported that the Division currently has several ethics policies and that a working group composed of Executive Assistant State’s Attorney Michael A. Gailor and attorneys from the Appellate Bureau in the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney are drafting a comprehensive policy.

Attorney Russell asked what training has been provided on cultural competency for Division staff.  Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported on past training offered on cultural competency and diversity.  Justice McDonald volunteered to arrange for the presentation of a Judicial Branch program on diversity and cultural competence developed by Justices Richard A. Robinson and Maria Araujo Kahn.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:53 a.m.
