Criminal Justice Commission

Minutes of the Meeting of November 3, 2010
Office of the Chief State's Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

The Criminal Justice Commission met on Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney in Rocky Hill for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the appointment as Deputy Assistant State’s Attorneys for the Judicial Districts of Stamford/Norwalk, Geographical Area No. 20; Litchfield, Geographical Area No. 18; New Britain, Geographical Area No. 15; and any other business that may come before the Commission.

The following members were present: Justice Richard N. Palmer, Chairman, Judge Thomas A. Bishop, Attorney Maura H. Horan, Attorney Alfred A. Turco and Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane. Also present were David I. Cohen, State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Stamford/Norwalk, David S. Shepack, State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Litchfield, Scott J. Murphy, State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of New Britain, and Patricia Alston, the Commission’s Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist.

The meeting, open to the public, commenced at 9:20 a.m. A motion was made by Attorney Kane that the Commission go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded by Attorney Horan and passed unanimously.

Following the executive session the Commission resumed its public meeting at approximately 10:05 a.m.

The Commission then took up the vacancy of the Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney for the Stamford/Norwalk Judicial District, G.A. No. 20, and interviewed the following attorneys:  Alexander Beck, Monica Fanesi, Jennifer Lindade, Justina Moore and Evelyn Rojas.

The Commission recessed at approximately 12:30 p.m. and resumed its public meeting at 1:05 p.m.

The Commission then took up the vacancy of the Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney for the Litchfield Judicial District, G.A. No. 18, and interviewed the following attorneys: Elizabeth Donovan, Anissa Klapproth and Mary Oneglia. Attorneys Beck and Moore were considered also for this vacancy. They were interviewed earlier in the day.

At approximately 2:38 p.m., the Commission then took up the vacancy of the Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney for the New Britain Judicial District, G.A. No. 15, and interviewed the following attorneys: Adam Mattei and Christian Watson. Attorneys Beck, Lindade and Oneglia were considered also for this vacancy. They were interviewed earlier in the day.

At approximately 3:21 p.m., Attorney Kane moved that the Commission go into executive session to discuss the appointments to the above-mentioned positions. The motion was seconded by Attorney Turco and passed unanimously.

Following the executive session the Commission resumed its public meeting at approximately 3:28 p.m.

Judge Bishop moved that Attorney Mary Oneglia be appointed Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney for the Litchfield Judicial District, G.A. No. 18. The motion was seconded by Attorney Horan and passed unanimously.

Attorney Turco moved that Attorney Justina Moore be appointed Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney for the Stamford/Norwalk Judicial District, G.A. No. 20. The motion was seconded by Judge Bishop and passed unanimously.

Judge Bishop moved that Attorney Christian Watson be appointed Deputy Assistant State’s Attorney for the New Britain Judicial District, G.A. No. 15. The motion was seconded by Attorney Turco and passed unanimously.

At approximately 3:40 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.

Kevin T. Kane, Esq.
Secretary, Criminal Justice Commission
