Leonard C. Boyle Reappointed Deputy Chief State’s Attorney for Operations

Chief State's Attorney Kevin T. Kane (left) administers the oath of office to Deputy Chief State's Attorney Leonard  C. Boyle.The Honorable Richard N. Palmer, Chair of the Criminal Justice Commission, announced today that Leonard C. Boyle has been reappointed as Deputy Chief State’s Attorney for Operations.

The appointment, for a four-year term commencing July 1, 2013, was approved by a unanimous vote of the Commission at its meeting today at the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney in Rocky Hill.

"Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Boyle is an outstanding member of the leadership team of the Division of Criminal Justice. The Commission thanks and commends him for his dedication and commitment in guiding the operational units of the Division," Justice Palmer said.

Appointed Deputy Chief State’s Attorney for Operations in June 2009, attorney Boyle oversees the specialized bureaus and units of the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney. He has a long and distinguished career in law enforcement, including past service as Commissioner of the former state Department of Public Safety and as chief of the Criminal Division of the Office of the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut.

Established by Article XXIII of the Connecticut Constitution, the Criminal Justice Commission is responsible for the appointment of all state prosecutors in Connecticut. It is chaired by Justice Palmer, an Associate Justice of the state Supreme Court.

In addition to Justice Palmer, Associate Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court, its membership includes the Honorable Juliett L. Crawford, Judge of the Superior Court, attorneys Mary M. Galvin, Maura Hughes Horan, Moy N. Ogilvie and Ann G. Taylor and Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane.
