He currently serves on the Division of Criminal Justice’s Legislative, Operations and Ethics Committees. He also serves as counselor to the Chief State’s Attorney and the state’s 13 State’s Attorneys. Prior to his appointment as Deputy Chief, Attorney Lawlor was the Ansonia-Milford State’s Attorney for 12 years.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Lawlor is a tri-chair of the Governor’s Task Force Justice for Abused Children, a founding member of the Division of Criminal Justice Diversity Committee and Past President of the Division of Criminal Justice State’s Attorney’s Advisory Board. In addition, he also volunteers to speak to area youth in coordination with the Milford Bar Association, the North Haven Board of Education and other community organizations about criminal justice issues and the legal profession.

State’s Attorney Lawlor is a graduate of the University of Connecticut and Quinnipiac University School of Law. He teaches several criminal justice courses in the Legal Studies Department at Quinnipiac University and the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences at the University of New Haven. Until his appointment as Deputy Chief, Attorney Lawlor was a faculty member of the Yale School of Medicine, Forensic Psychiatry Department. He also serves as an MPTC certified instructor for the West Haven Police Department, the South Central Criminal Justice Administration and the Milford Police Academy.
State Attorney Lawlor Headshot

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Kevin D. Lawlor

Kevin D. Lawlor is the Deputy Chief State’s Attorney of Operations for the Division of Criminal Justice. Deputy Chief State's Attorney Lawlor serves at the Rocky Hill headquarters of the Division of Criminal Justice and is responsible for oversight of the Division’s Appellate, Statewide Prosecution and Civil Litigation Bureaus, Housing Matters and the Medicaid Fraud Control, Cold Case, Witness Protection, Conviction Integrity and Workers' Compensation Fraud Units.