Employment (with the State of CT)

The Department of Children and Families Human Resource Division- Agency Human Resources Business Partners

The agency's Human Resources Business Partner team is responsible for providing a full range of HR services to approximately 3,100 bargaining unit, confidential, and managerial employees at all DCF locations throughout the state. The Human Resources (HR) Division, primarily located at 505 Hudson Street in Hartford, provides HR services to Agency's personnel including:

  • Recruitment Services, which include Position & Staffing Management,

  • HR Services, which includes HR processes from Policies & Administration of Contracts, such as temporary service in a higher class, reclassification requests, employment verifications, and activity within the CORE-CT HRIS system. 


The Statewide centralized HR support employees with FMLA & Leaves, Retirement, and Worker's Compensation matters.
FMLA & Leaves are handled by the Benefits and Leaves Pod 2 (DAS.Benefitsandleavespod2@ct.gov).  
Retirement is handled by Benefits and Leaves Pod 5 (
Worker's Compensation inquiries may be directed to Ann Marie Ritter (


Employment (with the State of CT)
The State of Connecticut provides an electronic employment application process only, at Job Openings - Department of Administrative Services (jobapscloud.com). To receive notification about future job openings, fill out the interest cards and you will receive an e-mail when a position in your interested field becomes available.


Employee Benefits
How do I... (Answers to your questions)

New User Registration (Create a new, personalized login ID)

   NEW! Semi-Annual Telework Policy 9-30-23.


Important DCF HR Links:

Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program (EAP - FOR DCF EMPLOYEES ONLY)



Tony Martelly
Assistant Human Resources Director
Human Resources
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Email: DCF.Humanresources@CT.GOV