Docket 370: Connecticut Valley

Chronological Listing of Filings for
The Connecticut Light and Power Company application for Certificates of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for (1) The Greater Springfield Reliability Project consisting of a new 345-kV electric transmission line and associated facilities from the North Bloomfield Substation in Bloomfield to the Connecticut/Massachusetts border, together with associated improvements to the North Bloomfield Substation, and potentially including portions of a new 345-kV electric transmission line between Ludlow and Agawam, Massachusetts that would be located in the Towns of Suffield and Enfield, Connecticut; and (2) and the Manchester Substation to Meekville Junction Circuit Separation Project in Manchester, Connecticut.
Town of East Granby - Comments dated October 10, 2008
Application - Dated October 20, 2008
   Volume 1-Application Narrative             Volume 2.1-Environmental Wetlands  Volume 2.2-Environmental Wetlands  
   Volume 2.3-Environmental Wetlands     Volume 2.4-Environmental Wetlands  Volume 3-Environmental-Cultural  
   Volume 4-Environmental                        Volume 5-Planning                               Volume 6-Engineering
   Volume 7-Substating Drawings              Volume 8-Photographs                         Volume 9-Route Map
   Volume 10-Route Illustration                  Volume 11.1-Route Plans                    Volume 11.2-Route Plans   
   Volume 11.3-Route Plans                        Volume 11.4-Route Plans                    Volume 11.5-Route Plans   
   Volume 11.6-Route Plans   

Schedule, as of May 27, 2009

CSC Letters to State Treasurer
CSC Letter to Treasurer GSRP, dated October 22, 2008
  CSC Letter to Treasurer Manchester, dated October 22, 2008

Supplemental Cover Letter, submitted October 28, 2008, dated October 28, 2008
Letter from Applicant, dated October 30, 2008
Motion for Protective Order, dated October 30, 2008
CSC Approval of Party Requests, dated November 21, 2008
CSC Acknowledgment of OCC Request, dated December 23, 2008
Scheduling Conference, dated December 24, 2008
CSC Approval of OCC Request, dated January 13, 2009
Town of Enfield Request for Party Status
City of Meriden Party Request
Re DO370B - CSC Decisions Re Completeness of Application and Determination
   of Need, 05/07/09
CEAB Request for Intervenor Status (5/08/09)
Pre Filed Testimony of Department of Transportation
Pre Filed Testimony of Town of Enfield
Exhibit 27-CL&P
   Part 2
   Part 3
   Part 4
Joint WMECO-EFSB Responses Memo
   WMECO's Pre-Filed Testimony with EFSB
   Sections of Draft Environmental Impact Report filed with EFSB
      Vol. 1
      Vol. 2.1.2
      Vol. 2.1.3
      Vol. 2.1.4
      Vol. 3.3.1
      Vol. 3.3.2
CL&P Objection to Portions of the Testimony of Richard Legere 11/04/09 Section I / Sec. II / Sec. III
Town of East Granby's Post Hearing Brief
NRG's Proposed Findings of Fact and Post Hearing Brief
Final Decisions
Development and Management Plan