DOCKET NO. 497 – DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Burlington Solar One, LLC application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a 3.5-megawatt-AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility located at Lot 33, Prospect Street, Burlington, Connecticut and associated electrical interconnection. Link to Petition No. 1437
APPLICATION (recd. 1/22/21)
Application Cover Letter, 01/22/21
Application Narrative
Appendix A - Project Site Plans
Appendix B - Operations and Management Plan
Appendix C - Connecticut Department of Agriculture "No Impact" Correspondence
Appendix D - Davison Environmental Natural Resource Assessment
Appendix E - U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Correspondence
Appendix F - NDDB Preliminary Assessment Letter
Appendix G - Moorhead Rare Plant Habitat Assessment
Appendix H - Matson Invertebrate Assessment
Appendix I - Box Turtle Photographs
Appendix J - Box Turtle Protection Plan
Appendix K - Brawley Whip-pool-will Report
Appendix L - Vernal Pool Monitoring Report
Appendix M - Drainage Analysis Report
Appendix N - Heritage Consultants Phase IA Survey
Appendix O - Heritage Consultants Phase IB Survey
Appendix P - SHPO Correspondence
Appendix Q - Viewshed Analysis Map and Simulation
Appendix R - FAA Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation
Appendix S - Report on Electric Magnetic Fields
Appendix T - Draft Petition/Application filed with the Town of Burlington (Petition No. 1437 materials)
Appendix U - E-mail Correspondence Between Burling Solar One Representative Bryan Fitzgerald and Town of Burlington Officials relating to the Application Submission
Town of Burlington Planning and Zoning Regulations
Town of Burlington 2020 Plan of Conservation and Development
Town of Burlington Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations
Council Incomplete Letter, 01/25/21
Council Incomplete Letter, 01/27/21
Council Municipal Participation Fund Letter to the State Treasurer, 01/28/21
Council Acknowledgement of Applicant Complete Submission, 02/01/21
Council's Completeness Review, 2/11/21
Council Interrogatories to Burlington Solar One, LLC, Set One, 03/03/21
Council Memorandum Regarding Applicant's Request to Revise Response to Council Interrogatory No. 38, 04/26/21
Council Decision on Request to Reopen the Evidentiary Record, 05/07/21
Council Inquiry Regarding Municipal Participation Fund and Compliance with D&M Plan Conditions, 01/20/22
Council Letter Regarding Notification of Change of Ownership, 01/25/22
Council Letter to the Office of the State Treasurer Regarding the Refund of the Municipal Participation Fund Fee, 01/28/22
Council on Environmental Quality, 02/24/21
Department of Transportation, received 03/08/21
March 23, 2021 Hearing Documents
1. Instruction for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing
2. Public Hearing Notice
3. Hearing Program
4. Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and
5. Proposed Facility Site Plan
Pre-hearing Teleconference Memorandum, 02/17/21
Remote Hearing Procedure Memorandum, 02/25/21
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 03/23/21 (Passcode: u*5Ft*?D )
Council Evidentiary Hearing Continuation Memorandum, 03/24/21
1. Instruction for Access to Remote Continued Evidentiary Hearing
2. April 13, 2021 Hearing Program
3. Amended Proposed Facility Site Plan - Design Comparison
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 04/13/21 (Passcode: 1z+Axmn0 )
Schedule, 01/26/21
Schedule, 02/11/21
Schedule, 03/17/21
Schedule, 04/07/21
Schedule, 05/06/21
Service Lists
Service List, 01/28/21
Service List, 09/10/21
Hearing Programs
Hearing Program, 03/23/21
Hearing Program, 04/13/21
Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 03/23/21
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 03/23/21
Council Transcript Memorandum, 03/29/21
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Transcript, 04/13/21
Council Transcript Memorandum, 04/19/21
Applicant - Burlington Solar One, LLC
Applicant's Response to Council's Incomplete Letter, 01/27/21
Applicant's Affidavit of Publication Submission, 02/11/21
Applicant's Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 03/17/21
Exhibit A - Decommissioning Plan
Exhibit B - Specifications Sheets
Exhibit C - Petroleum Materials Storage and Spill Prevention
Exhibit D - PFAS Letters
Exhibit E - GHG Emissions
Exhibit F - Landscaping Plan
Exhibit G - Virtual Field Review
Exhibit H - DEEP Pre-Application Submission Correspondence
Applicant's Amended Responses to Council Set One Interrogatory Nos. 2, 13, 30, and 45, 03/23/21
Exhibit A - Amended Site Plan for Revised Interrogatory 2 Response
Exhibit B - Sight Lines for Amended Interrogatory 2 Response
Exhibit C - Interconnection One Line Diagram for Amended Interrogatory 30 Response
Exhibit D - Eversource Interconnection Design for Amended Interrogatory 30 Response
Exhibit E - Revised Layout
Applicant's Sign Posting Affidavit, received 3/23/21
Applicant's Late-Filed Exhibits, 04/07/21
Exhibit A - Design Comparison
Exhibit B - Landscaping Plan
Exhibit C - Sightlines
Exhibit D - Racking System
Exhibit E - Project Capacity Factors
Exhibit F - Petroleum Materials Storage and Spill Prevention
Exhibit G - Transformer Oil Specification Sheet
Procedural Correspondence
Applicant's Witness List, 03/16/21
Applicant's Motion to Install Eastern Box Turtle Exclusion Fencing at Project Site, 03/05/21
Applicant's Request to Reopen Evidentiary Record to Allow for Submission of Revised Response to Interrogatory No. 38, 04/23/21
Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 06/17/21
Council's Final Decision Documents, 07/16/21
D&M Plan Cover Letter, 07/21/21
D&M Plan, 07/21/21
Exhibit A - Site Plans
Exhibit B - Fuel Storage & Spill Prevention Plan
Exhibit C - Box Turtle and Hognose Snake Protection Plan
Exhibit D - Structural Drawings
D&M Plan Schedule, 07/22/21
Council D&M Plan Interrogatories to Applicant, 07/28/21
D&M Responses to Council D&M Plan Interrogatories, 08/09/21
Exhibit A - Site Plans
Exhibit B - Petroleum Materials Storage and Spill Prevention
Exhibit C - Eastern Box Turtle and Hognose Snake Protection Plan
Council Request for Extension of the D&M Plan Decision Deadline, 08/13/21
Burlington Solar One, LLC Response to Council Request for Extension of the D&M Plan Decision Deadline, 08/27/21
Burlington Solar One, LLC Transfer of Corporate Ownership Interests to DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC, 09/08/21
Council Acknowledgement of Transfer of Corporate Ownership Interests, 09/10/21
Burlington Solar One, LLC Submission of D&O Condition 4, 09/13/21
Council Acknowledgement of Condition Submission, 09/17/21
Council D&M Plan Decision and Staff Report, 09/24/21
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Notice of Ownership Transfer, 01/10/22
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Response to Municipal Participation Fund Inquiry, 01/27/22
DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Request to Transfer Certificate, 01/27/22
VCP Response to Council's Municipal Participation Fund Inquiry and Construction Status Update, 01/27/22
D&M Plan Condition Submissions 1-3 and Council Acknowledgment, 01/28/22
Council Decision on DG Connecticut Solar III, LLC Request to Transfer Certificate, 02/14/22
Notice of Construction Completion and Changes in Customer's Metering Setup, 11/22/22
Council Decision on Changes in Customer's Metering Setup, 11/23/22