female teacher speaking to lecture crowd

About Us

The Connecticut State Department of Education’s Bureau of Certification issues certificates and other authorizations required to serve in Connecticut public schools and approved private special education programs. We provide guidance on requirements to obtain and maintain licensure.


Contact Information


Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification
Connecticut State Department of Education
PO Box 150471
Hartford, CT 06115-0471

Express Mail

Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification
Connecticut State Department of Education
450 Columbus Blvd, Ste 503
Hartford, CT 06103-1841

IMPORTANT: Requiring a signature for mail delivery may cause delays.

Office Details

Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.  

Phone: 860-713-6969

Live support: Monday and Thursday of each week, 12-2 p.m.

Automated support: 24 x 7 x 365

Fax: 860-713-7017

Email: teacher.cert@ct.gov



Please allow approximately 2-3 months for processing after submitting your application. Once all required documentation has been received, determination of eligibility may take several months. All applications will be processed in the order by which they were submitted.


We only accept official transcripts.

Paper: Mail your official transcript to us as part of your application process. 

Electronic: Electronic transcripts are not accepted from applicants. Your educator preparation program provider can mail it to us or email it to teacher.etranscript@ct.gov. Your transcript can also be delivered via authorized companies such as Parchment or eSCRIP-SAFE.

IMPORTANT: If possible, please mail your official transcript to us for review. Due to the large volume of e-transcripts the Bureau receives daily, the e-transcript may expire before we are able to download and scan it into your file.