Physical Therapist Continuing Education

Each licensee applying for license renewal  shall complete a minimum of 20 hours during the one year period for which the license is being renewed.


Continuing education hours completed in one registration period shall not be allowed to carry-over to a subsequent registration period.

Award of Continued Competence Units 


Continuing education shall be in areas related to the individual's practice. The law does not specifically identify qualifying continuing education course work.  Internet-based and distance learning opportunities are acceptable provided such coursework is related to the practice of physical therapy.  The Department does not approve continuing education courses or pre-approve specific coursework for individual licensees, nor does the Department maintain a list of continuing education courses.

Documentation/Record Retention


Each licensee must obtain a certificate of completion from the provider of the continuing education for all continuing education hours that are successfully completed and shall retain such certificate for a minimum of three years following the license renewal date for which the activity satisfies the continuing education requirement.  Upon request by the department, the licensee shall submit the certificate to the department. A licensee who fails to comply with the continuing education requirements, including failure to maintain proof of course completion, shall be subject to disciplinary action.




A licensee who is applying for license renewal for the first time is exempt from continuing education requirements.


The Department may, for a licensee who has a medical disability or illness, grant a waiver of the continuing education requirements for a specific period of time or may grant the licensee an extension of time in which to fulfill the requirements.  Licensees may submit to the Department, prior to the expiration of the registration period, a notarized application for exemption/waiver at the time of license renewal.