Practitioner Complaints - Frequently Asked Questions
For your convenience you may select this link for the petition form. Please use a separate complaint form for each practitioner you are complaining about.
The Department will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing.
If the allegations contained in your complaint are within the Department’s jurisdiction to investigate, your complaint will be opened for investigation.
Any action taken by the Department as a result of such investigation is administrative in nature (reprimand, restriction of practice, remedial education) and the Department is not able to represent you in civil matters or assist in recovery of fees paid.
Issues such as fee and billing disputes, personality conflicts and complaints about a practitioner’s attitude or communication skills are generally not under the Department’s jurisdiction. The Department also does not have jurisdiction over office practice issues such as long waiting times or rude staff.
Yes, a physician can stop seeing a patient. Although no regulations require a practitioner to provide advance notice, generally accepted practice indicates that the practitioner give the patient 30 days access to medication refills and to allow time for the patient to locate a new practitioner.
Complaints about fees are not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Health unless they represent fraud (for example, a charge for tests or services not provided).
Connecticut General Statutes §20-7(c) states that upon a written request of a patient, his attorney or authorized representative, a licensed Connecticut health care provider is required to provide copies of the patient's health records directly to the patient, his attorney or authorized representative. Practitioners are not required to provide the original record.
The provider can charge no more than .65¢ per page for copying the pages of the record. The statute also states that the provider may charge a patient the amount necessary to cover the cost of materials for furnishing a copy of the x-ray. Records must be supplied within 30 days of the written request. Please select this link for more information on obtaining medical records.
Please be informed that the Department of Public Health has no jurisdiction regarding the fees practitioners charge for their services. In addition, the Department lacks jurisdiction to resolve billing practice issues or obtain compensation for individuals related to practice issues. You may wish to deal with the provider directly, use the small claims court system for matters of $5,000 or less, or seek private legal counsel to resolve your situation. The law limits the Department's jurisdiction to actions against the provider's license. For this reason, an action by the Department will not result in any compensation, monetary or otherwise to a patient/consumer.