Permit to Administer Dental Moderate Sedation
In order to obtain a permit to administer moderate sedation in a dental practice, a Connecticut licensed dentist must satisfy the following requirements:
Hold current certification in both Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association;
The applicant’s entire staff must hold current certification in Basic Cardiac Life Support by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association;
Successful completion of an on-site evaluation. The on-site evaluation includes:
Observation of the parenteral sedation technique employed by the practitioner during a minimum of two operative cases, the total time for both cases shall not exceed two hours;
An exact simulation of the method of management of medical emergencies demonstrated by the practitioner with full participation of the office staff. For a listing of some of the medical emergencies which may be included in the simulation, please refer to Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, Section 20-123-6(b);
A review of the practitioner's office equipment, emergency drugs and anesthesia records to determine full compliance with the requirements established pursuant to Section 20-123b(d) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Please select this link for the equipment requirements for dental anesthesia/sedation permits.
An exit interview between the practitioner and evaluation team for the purpose of reviewing deficiencies and making suggestions for improvement of the office facility and patient emergency management;
Successful completion of one of the following education or training routes:
1. Graduated within the two years prior to applying for the permit, from a dental school or post-doctorate dental residency program accredited by the ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation (CDA), which included:
A didactic course in sedation in dentistry with a curriculum that fulfills the minimum requirements set out in the ADA Council on Dental Education, Guidelines for Teaching the Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety in Dentistry; and at least four weeks active participation in full-time rotation in hospital operating room anesthesia; or
Ten documented clinical cases utilizing parenterally administered sedation in the dental operatory.
2. Successfully completed an Intensive Course or a Supplemental or Refresher Course in a post-doctoral continuing education program, structured in accordance with Part Three of the ADA Council on Dental Education Guidelines for Teaching the Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety in Dentistry; or
3. Documented by patient anesthesia or sedation records the completion of a minimum of 12 parenterally administered sedation procedures per year performed in the office, for each of the 3 one-year periods immediately preceding the date of application and completed at least 24 hours of continuing education in one of the following areas within the 3 year period immediately preceding the issuance of the permit: anesthesia, parenterally administered conscious sedation, or emergency medicine; or
4. Completion of a full course in a post-doctorate training program in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, approved by the ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation (CDA); or
5. Completion of a minimum of one-year full-time training in a post-doctoral program in Anesthesiology, structured in accordance with Part Two of the ADA Council on Dental Education Guidelines for Teaching the Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety in Dentistry; or
6. Hold current certification as a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS) and have graduated from dental school or a post-doctoral dental residency training program no later than 1966; or
7. Have been limiting practice to oral and maxillofacial surgery for a period of at least the ten years immediately preceding the date of application for permit.
A completed application form and fee of $200.00 in the form of a bank check or money order payable to "Treasurer, State of Connecticut";
Notarized copies of the applicant’s current certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support;
Notarized copies of applicant’s staff’s certification in Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support;
Appropriate documentation of completion of the requisite education or training as outlined above: Please refer to the application for the appropriate verification forms.
All supporting documents should be forwarded to:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Dental Sedation Permits
410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7603
Fax: (860) 707-1929