Right of Way Pest Control Certification

All persons using pesticides professionally in Connecticut must possess an up-to-date certificate issued by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Applicants for the right of way certificate are expected to possess a working knowledge of the kinds of operations performed on a right of way and the reasons for performing them. Outlined below are areas in which applicants should be proficient.

Each applicant should be able to:

  1. identify the plants listed below:

    Ash Honeysuckle, Japanese
    Aspen  Ivy, poison
    Barberry, common Juniper
    Birch Laurel, mountain
    Blackberries & raspberries Maples
    Brier, common green Oaks
    Cherry, wild Pines
    Creeper, Virginia Ragweed, common
    Dogwoods Ragweed, giant
    Elderberry Roses
    Elms Sassafras
    Grapes, wild & cultivated Sumac
    Hickory Willows
    Honeysuckle, bush
  2. demonstrate a practical knowledge of problems such as runoff, drift, excessive foliage destruction, and general hazards within and outside the right of way;
  3. demonstrate a practical knowledge of the specialized equipment and application techniques used in right of way pest control; and
  4. demonstrate a working knowledge of the nature of the herbicides used including but not limited to:

bromacil (Hyvar X) metasulfuron-methyl (Escort)
chlorsulfuron (Telar) oryzalin (Surflan)
dicamba (Banvel) paclobutrazol (Clipper)
Dichlorprop (Weedone 2,4-DP) picloram (Tordon)
Diuron (Karmex)  prometon (Pramitol)
2,4-D sodium borate
fosamine (Krenite) sodium chlorate
glyphosate (Accord, Rodeo, Roundup) sulfometuron-methyl (Oust)
hexazinone (Velpar) tebuthiuron (Spike)
imazapyr (Arsenal, Chopper) triclopyr (Garlon 3a,4)

Reference Material for Right of Way Examination

  1. Required and Additional Study Materials for Pesticide Supervisors *Click to view*

  2. Right of Way Pest Control Training Manual. Category 6. Cornell University Cooperative Extension *Click to order online*

  3. Right of Way Pest Control. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1-pp. Pesticide Control, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Click here to open PDF

  4. A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs by G. A. Petrides. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA 02107

  5. Forest, Rights-of-Way and Industrial Herbicides by Harvey Holt. 1987. Pesticide Control, DEEP, Click here to open PDF

For more information, please contact deep.pesticideprogram@ct.gov or call the Pesticide Management Program at (860) 424-3369 or write to:

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Pesticide Management Program
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127

Top | Pesticide Certification

 Content Last Updated on September 21, 2022