Information for Hemp and Medical Marijuana Growers

Guidance for the Selection of Pesticides for Use on Hemp & Medical Marijuana in Connecticut

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection offers the following guidance for the selection of pesticides in the cultivation/production of hemp and medical marijuana in the state of Connecticut.  This guidance may be updated at any time.

Any pesticide used in the cultivation of hemp and/or medical marijuana crops must first be registered with the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and may be used in the state of Connecticut under the following conditions:

  1. The label must allow for use on unspecified crops and/or plants (e.g. “other crops” “flowering plants”);
  2. The label must allow for application of the pesticide to the intended site; (e.g. greenhouse, field);
  3. The label does not prohibit use on crops or plants grown for human consumption;
  4. All label requirements must be followed;
  5. Active ingredients on the pesticide label must be exempt from the requirement of a tolerance for   pesticide chemical residues on or in food per the Code of Federal Regulations 40 Part 180, Sub-part D;
  6. Use of any pesticide must comply with the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 441 Pesticide Control and Regulations adopted there-under as well as all requirements of the Federal Worker Protection Standard.             

DEEP will compile a list of pesticides that meet the above criteria and may be used on sites where hemp or medical marijuana are grown/produced.  The list may not be inclusive of all pesticides that meet the above criteria and may be updated from time to time.

Growers/producers of hemp and medical marijuana crops are responsible to determine which pesticides can be used on their crops in accordance with the above criteria and assume all risk associated with their use, including possible crop loss.  This guidance is not an endorsement of any product and shall not be considered a guaranty of efficacy or without risk of harm to the crop on which it is applied.

Hemp & Medical Marijuana List

Hemp & Medical Marijuana List

 *PDF version is small due to number of columns*

Questions concerning this guidance can be directed by e-mail to

Last Updated March 31, 2022