Permits & Licensing Overview



Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is committed to working with all stakeholders to protect our beautiful state while facilitating economic growth. If you’re planning activities that may impact the state’s natural resources, the environment and human health, you will need to apply for permits from DEEP to authorize that work before it begins.

Access personalized assistance

Regardless of the type of permits you may need, DEEP is committed to working with you to clearly understand your responsibilities and to streamline the permit process.

Pre-Application Meeting
Anyone can request a personalized consultation with DEEP — before they even submit any type of permit application. Our DEEP permit assistance specialists can help you assess what permits and licenses you need for your  project, as well as what you need to do to complete the required permit applications.



Client Concierge Service
If your project’s permitting needs are particularly time-sensitive, complex or involve multiple permitting programs, DEEP’s Client Concierge Team may provide you with personalized assistance.




You can also email us at with any questions about your application.

Learn more about the permitting process

Connecticut DEEP administers various different environmental permitting programs, each of which protects the state’s environment and human health by regulating the emission of pollutants, facility operations and land use activities. Remember, it is your responsibility to ensure that all required permits are obtained.

There are several types of permits administered by DEEP:

  • Permit by Rule. If your activities will have a minimal impact on the environment, you may be able to obtain authorization through a permit by rule. Permit by rule is a regulation that authorizes your activity without having to apply to DEEP; only a notification is required. Click here for more information.
  • General Permit. If your activities will have a minimal impact on the environment, you may be able to obtain a general permit. A few of these may even be applied for online through our DEEP ezFile Portal. General permits typically take a shorter amount of time to process. Click here for more information.
  • Individual Permit. Activities that may have more of a significant impact on human health or the environment will likely require an individual permit tailored to the specifics of your project. Click here for more information.

View the DEEP Transparency, Predictability & Efficiency Initiatives Dashboard

Download the forms/guidance you need

If you don’t feel you need any assistance or are familiar with this process, click here to access specific forms and guidance for the particular types of permits you need.


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