DEEP Transparency, Predictability & Efficiency Initiatives

DEEP is committed to transparency, efficiency, and predictability, both as a matter of good government and to improve our regulatory processes and environmental outcomes. Increasing public access to information, and proactively communicating about our work, helps us to better serve Connecticut residents and businesses and protect Connecticut's environment.

Growing out of our 20 BY 20 Initiative and 20BY26 Initiative for process improvement, DEEP has created these permitting dashboards to provide metrics on how DEEP is doing in four key areas:

Initiative 1

Making Permit & License Time Frames More Transparent

Established processing times for each type of DEEP permit takes the guesswork out of permitting — invaluable when planning your project schedule. Learn More

Initiative 2

Reducing the Number of Pending Legacy Permit Applications

Resolving legacy permit applications provides more regulatory certainty and frees up DEEP program staff to process incoming applications. Learn More

Initiative 3

Enhancing Permit Assistance Through Pre-Application & Client Concierge Services

Upfront information sharing and high-touch support for navigating the permitting process leads to a smoother, expedited experience regardless of project complexity. Learn More

Initiative 4

Improving Transparency Around Regulations & Public Participation

Greater access to regulatory information supports research, planning, and accountability — and helps communities stay informed regarding regulatory actions with potential environmental impacts. Learn More