Chief State’s Attorney’s Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of September 23, 2013
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

The meeting was called to order at 12:48 p.m. by Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane.

In attendance were: State’s Attorneys Michael Dearington (New Haven); Brian Preleski (New Britain); Michael L. Regan (New London); and David Shepack (Litchfield); Deputy Chief State’s Attorneys Leonard C. Boyle and John J. Russotto; Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorneys James Bernardi (Stamford-Norwalk), Vicki Melchiorre (Hartford) and Susann Gill Riley (Fairfield); Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Amy L. Sedensky (Waterbury); and Assistant State’s Attorney Colleen P. Zingaro (Danbury).

Also present: Executive Assistant State’s Attorneys Brian Austin, Jr., and Michael A. Gailor and Division of Criminal Justice Communications and Legislative Specialist Mark A. Dupuis.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Boyle made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 26,, 2013, meeting. The motion was seconded by Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto and approved without opposition.

Chief State’s Attorney Kane introduced Vicki Melchiorre as the newly appointed Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorney for Part A-Judicial District of Hartford.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto invited input from the State’s Attorneys as the Division prepares to develop its budget requests for submission to the administration and the General Assembly.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Boyle asked the State’s Attorneys to reiterate to the police departments in their jurisdictions the mandated reporter requirements for police officers. The Department of Children and Families has expressed concerns about compliance.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Boyle distributed a memo from the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) Division of Scientific Services detailing revisions to the protocol for processing fingerprints in property crime cases. The revisions are intended to further reduce the backlog of fingerprints awaiting analysis.

Chief State’s Attorney Kane introduced guests for a presentation on the Domestic Violence Roundtable organized by the Division and the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV). CCADV is offering to host trainings for prosecutors twice a year. The State’s Attorneys were asked to review recommendations from the roundtable and their applicability to each Judicial District.

Chief State’s Attorney Kane announced that the Judicial Branch will provide training in October and November for employees working in courthouses on responding to an "active shooter" situation. The Division is in the process of defining the role armed Inspectors would have in such emergencies.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto distributed frequently asked questions about electronically signed documents. The information will be distributed to all Division employees.

State’s Attorney Shepack discussed the draft of a policy prepared by the Operations Committee concerning the issues raised in the Brady/Giglio/Adams cases. The policy would be further explained in training for prosecutors. The draft policy and related documents will be discussed at the next meeting.

State’s Attorney Shepack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto and approved without opposition at 2:00 p.m.
