
This Section administers and enforces the Connecticut Antitrust Act, and has authority to enforce major provisions of the federal antitrust laws. The Section also relies on other federal and state laws to ensure the Attorney General’s overall responsibility to maintain open and competitive markets in Connecticut. Utilizing these statutes, we investigate and prosecute antitrust and other competition-related actions on behalf of consumers, businesses and governmental units. In addition, this Section provides advice and counsel on proposed legislation and various issues regarding competition policy. In the past few years, the Attorney General served as the chair of the Antitrust Committee of the National Association of Attorneys General and remains active within that organization.

Child Protection

This Section, with over 40 attorneys, is dedicated to protecting the children of the State of Connecticut from abuse and neglect. This past year, the Child Protection Section successfully represented the Department of Children and families in thousands of juvenile court cases, to protect children who had been abused and neglected and help their placement in permanent safe homes. The Section also successfully defended a number of appeals involving these children before the Appellate and Supreme Court.

Child Support & Collections

This Section's mission is to expeditiously collect monies owed to the state and to secure and enforce orders for the support of children. Its attorneys represent the Financial Services Center of the Department of Administrative Services in the recovery of public assistance benefits and costs of incarceration and provide representation in connection with collection activities of the Departments of Social Services, Revenue Services, Correction, Higher Education as well as John Dempsey Hospital, the Second Injury Fund, the Connecticut State University System, and the Secretary of State. In furtherance of its child support activities, the Section also provides legal services to the Department of Social Services Bureau of Child Support Enforcement and to the Support Enforcement Services division of the Judicial Branch pursuant to a cooperative agreement designed to satisfy the requirements of the federal Social Security Act and related state law.

Consumer Advocacy

The Consumer Advocacy Section is the clearinghouse for Connecticut constituent and consumer complaints involving potential unfair or deceptive acts or practices impacting Connecticut citizens or businesses. This Section strives to protect consumers and legitimate business enterprises, and encourages the development of fair consumer practices, and promotes statewide consumer education.

Consumer Protection

The Consumer Protection Section protects Connecticut's consumers by investigating and litigating consumer protection matters under the authority of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act ("CUTPA") and other state and federal statutes.  The Section advises the Attorney General and the Commissioner of the Department of Consumer Protection on consumer protection matters and represents and defends the Department of Consumer Protection in court.  The Section also advocates on behalf of Connecticut's energy and utility ratepayers in state and federal fora.  In addition, the Section educates consumers on how to avoid becoming victims of unfair and deceptive trade practices and, where possible, mediates disputes.


This Section defends state agencies and state officials in employment related litigation and administrative complaints and provides legal advice and guidance to state agencies on employment issues. We are currently defending the state in numerous employment cases in the state and federal courts, as well before the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities and the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission.


This Section represents the State and the people of Connecticut to ensure that the environment is protected for the benefit of the public health and welfare. This Section provides advice and representation in state and federal administrative and court proceedings to the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Agriculture, the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Connecticut Marketing Authority, and in court proceedings to the Underground Storage Tank Petroleum Cleanup Account Review Board.

Financial & Revenue Services

The Financial and Revenue Services Section (“Section”) provides legal services to several state agencies, including the Department of Banking, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Revenue Services, the Department of Economic and Community Development, the Office of Policy and Management, the Office of Health Strategy, and the State Insurance Risk Management Board.  The Section handles litigation in federal and state courts for these agencies, including regulatory enforcement actions, administrative appeals, actions requiring the defense of state laws, and in proceedings before the Freedom of Information Commission and the Claims Commissioner.  The Section provides advice to the agencies it represents on a wide variety of legal and regulatory issues that arise in their daily operations, including the review of agency contracts and regulations for legal sufficiency. 

In addition, the Section focuses on consumer financial protection by conducting investigations, leading multistate enforcement committees, negotiating settlements, commencing litigation, and drafting regulatory and other comment letters.  Areas of focus include financial services, securities regulation, consumer lending, residential mortgage loan origination and servicing, for-profit education, student loan servicing, and debt collection.

The Section is also responsible for a variety of tobacco-related matters including enforcement of the Master Settlement Agreement (“MSA”) with more than forty participating tobacco product manufacturers. The Section ensures that Connecticut continues to receive the monetary payments it is owed under the MSA from participating manufacturers, that those manufacturers comply with the public health provisions of the MSA, that nonparticipating manufacturers selling cigarettes in Connecticut make their requisite escrow deposits for Connecticut’s benefit, and that all tobacco product manufacturers abide by other requirements of state and federal law.

General Litigation

The attorneys in the General Litigation Section defend state agencies, officials and employees in tort, civil rights and other matters, including high exposure personal injury, medical malpractice and wrongful death claims and lawsuits.

Health & Education

The Health and Education Section represents a myriad of state agencies which include the State Department of Education, Department of Mental Retardation, University of Connecticut, and all other agencies that have an educational function. It represents the Department of Social Services, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Psychiatric Security Review Board, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Commission on Medical and Legal Investigations overseeing the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Department of Public Health, Office of Health Care Access, and the various health licensing boards.

Government Fraud

The Government Fraud Section protects Connecticut tax dollars from fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption. The Section investigates and litigates civil matters under the Connecticut False Claims Act and other laws. The Section develops cases independently and in conjunction with other state and federal law enforcement agencies and with state agencies that pay, directly or indirectly, for goods and services with Connecticut tax dollars. The Section investigates whistleblower complaints concerning state departments, state agencies, quasi-public agencies, and large state contracts. The Section also enforces Connecticut’s pension revocation or reduction laws when any public official or state or municipal employee is convicted of or pleads guilty or nolo contendere to any crime related to state or municipal office. The Section includes the Health Care Advocacy Unit, which provides advisory assistance to consumers who have health care related problems, particularly those that involve health insurance and managed care coverage denials.

Infrastructure & Economic Development

The Infrastructure and Economic Development Section of the Office of the Attorney General provides representation for the following state agencies: Department of Transportation ("DOT"); Department of Public Works ("DPW"); Department of Administrative Services ("DAS"); Department of Motor Vehicles ("DMV"); Department of Information Technology ("DOIT"); Department of Economic and Community Development, Housing Matters ("DECD"); and the Connecticut Historical Commission. In addition, the Infrastructure and Economic Development Section provides representation for various occupational licensing boards within the Department of Consumer Protection ("DCP"). The representation of the foregoing state agencies/boards includes, but is not limited to, counseling and advice on legal issues, the prosecution or defense of lawsuits or claims in both federal and Connecticut courts, and before various administrative entities, including the defense of claims filed with the Office of the Claims Commissioner pursuant to Chapter 53 of the Connecticut General Statutes.


The Privacy and Data Security Section handles matters related to the protection of Connecticut residents' personal information and data.  The Section enforces state laws governing notification of data breaches, safeguarding of personal information, and protection of social security numbers and other sensitive information. The Section is also responsible for enforcement of federal laws under which the Attorney General has enforcement authority, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the Children's  Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).   In addition, this Section provides the Attorney General with advice and counsel on proposed legislation and other matters regarding privacy and data security, and it engages in extensive outreach to citizens and businesses on matters relating to data protection and privacy.

Public Safety

This Section represents the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, including the Division of State Police, the Division of Special Licensing and Firearms, the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications and the Police Officer Standards and Training Council; the Military Department; the Department of Correction; the Judicial Branch (particularly, lawsuits arising from the actions of the Judicial Marshals); and the Department of Consumer Protection Liquor Control Division. It also provides legal services and representation to a number of associated boards, commissions and agencies, including the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the Division of Criminal Justice, the Division of Public Defender Services, the Office of Adult Probation, the Governor's Office (Interstate Extradition), the Statewide Emergency 9-1-1 Commission, the State Codes and Standards Committee, the Crane Operator's Examining Board, the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners, the Commission on Fire Prevention and Control, the Office of Civil Preparedness and State Marshal Commission.  The Sectionalso oversees the criminal prosecutions of persons charged with violations of the Home Improvement Act and related offenses.

Special Litigation

This Section represents the Governor, the Judicial Branch, the General Assembly, the Secretary of the State, the Treasurer, the Comptroller, the Auditors of Public Accounts, the State Elections Enforcement Commission, the Office of State Ethics, the Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board, the State Properties Review Board, the Judicial Review Council, the Judicial Selection Commission, the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, the Board of Accountancy, the Office of the Child Advocate, the Office of the Victim Advocate, the Commission on Women, Children and Seniors, the State of Contracting Standards Board, and the Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission. In addition, through its Public Charities Unit, the Section protects the public interest in gifts, bequests and devises for charitable purposes; and in cooperation with the Department of Consumer Protection, administers and enforces state laws regulating charities and professional fundraisers who solicit from the public.