The Connecticut Alternate Assessment System (CTAA, CTAS and CAAELP)  

CAAELP Resources


In the 2024-2025 school year, Connecticut’s K-12 students identified in the Public School Information System (PSIS) as English learners/ Multilingual learners with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) documenting a significant cognitive disability may be considered for the Connecticut Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency (CAAELP). Eligibility for the Connecticut Alternate Assessment System, including CAAELP, requires the review, determination, and completion of the Connecticut Alternate Assessment Eligibility form as part of the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process in the Connecticut Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS).


CAAELP may also be referenced as Alt ELPA in some resources and educator training. For Connecticut’s testing purposes these are synonymous. If a Connecticut specific resource is available, please consider it first because it includes Connecticut’s policies and guidance.

Important CAAELP Dates

 CAAELP Testing Window

January 13-March 7, 2025

 Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form completed in CT-SEDS for correct rostering of CAAELP

 Finalized and Implemented IEP by December 20, 2024.

 Early Stopping Rule Submission Window

 December 2, 2024-January 3, 2025

 Domain Exemption Window

 December 2, 2024-February 28, 2025

Parent Resources

Parent Overview of Connecticut’s Alternate Assessment System

Parent Brochure - Coming Soon

Parent Guides to the CAAELP Individual Student Reports -EnglishVietnameseMarshalleseChineseKarenPortugueseRussianSomali, and Spanish

Educator Resources 

General Resources

Connecticut Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal – CAAELP Resource Page

Before Testing Resources

Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Participation Guidance for Planning and Placement Teams

Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form

Early Stopping Rule Guidelines

CAAELP Domain Exemptions Guidance Document

CAAELP Domain Exemption Optional Form - The optional CAAELP Domain Exemption Form may be used to assist with the collection of information at the district level that will aid in ensuring the required data is available for entry into TIDE by the DA. Only domain exemptions entered into TIDE by the CSDE deadline are eligible for consideration and approval by the CSDE.

Directions for Accessing CAAELP Online Training for New Users

Directions for Accessing CAAELP Online Training for Returning Users

After Testing Resources

Connecticut Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency Exit Criteria

Sample District Letter for Alternate Assessment System Individual Student Reports - This letter can be used to distribute Individual Student Reports for any of the following Alternate Assessment System assessments; CTAA, CTAS, and CAAELP.

How to Access CAAELP Scores on the CRS

CAAELP Interpretive Guide

CAAELP Quick Guide to Individual Score Reports

Parent Guides to the CAAELP Individual Student Reports - EnglishVietnameseMarshalleseChineseKarenPortugueseRussianSomali, and Spanish

Previous Years CAAELP Resources

CAAELP Office Hours (recorded version) - November 15, 2023

CAAELP Office Hours (recorded version) - February 13, 2024

Collaborative for the Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency (CAAELP) Resource PowerPoint - December, 2022

Collaborative for the Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency (CAAELP) Test Administration Training for the 2022-23 School Year - November 21, 2022

Collaborative for the Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency (CAAELP) Resources for the 2022-23 School Year - November 8, 2022