Connecticut Transition Programs Offering Transition-Only Services for Students with Disabilities (18-22)

Transition-Only Services (18-22)

As stated in the CSDE Transition Bill of Rights for Parents of Students Receiving Special Education Services, Students with an individualized education program (IEP) have the right to:

10. Request consideration for receiving transition-only services between the ages of 18 and 22 if all transition goals and objectives have not been met during their previous years in high school.

The following conditions are required:

a. Students have met all academic requirements for graduation.
b. PPT makes the recommendation for transition-only services that must be reviewed at least annually.
c. Transition-only services must be a coordinated set of individualized activities but do not need to be a specialized “program.”
d. Transition-only services must provide students with the opportunity to spend at least 80 percent of their time with nondisabled peers. 
e. Students are entitled to participate in graduation activities upon completion of academic requirements or at the conclusion of transition-only services - this is a decision to be made by the student, parents, and/or guardians or surrogate and the PPT.
f. If students participate in transition-only services, the date on their diploma or certificate will be the date that they exit high school (either aging out at 22 or with a diploma or certificate).

In addition, the following should also be considered:

g. Transition-only services are typically discussed during the senior year of high school. 
h. Transition-only services are not needed for graduation but may include academic, vocational, and independent living activities that will help students meet their post-school goals.
i. Transition-only services should be based in the local community to the greatest extent possible in order to prepare students for life after high school.

CSDE Resources

For a listing of CT Transition Programs Offering Transition-Only Services for Students with Disabilities (18-22):

  • Go to EdSight.
  • Select Overview, then Find School/District.
  • In the left hand column, select Transition Programs

Description of CT Transition Programs Offering Transition/Vocational Services Offering Transition-Only Services for Students with Disabilities (18-22)

Public Transition Program (PTP)

Please Note: Public School-Based Transition Programs (PSBTPs) and Transition Community-Based Programs (TCBPs) have been collapsed into one CT Transition Program category – PTPs.

In order to be recognized by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), Bureau of Special Education (BSE) as a PTP and included in the CT Transition Programs list on EdSight, ALL of the following required criteria must be met by each organization:

  1. A transition program operated by a public school district/RESC (governed by the CT State Board of Education);
  2. Located in a district high school, on a high school campus, or in a community location;
  3. Provided to students between the ages of 18 and 22 years old who have completed academic credits toward a regular High School Diploma, OR who are not working on academic credits toward a regular High School diploma; and
  4. Provided to students who are working solely on secondary transition goals and objectives through an individualized education program (IEP), which may include functional academics.

Transition/Vocational Services Provider (TVSP)

In order to be recognized by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), Bureau of Special Education (BSE) as a qualified TVSP and included in the CT Transition Programs list on EdSight, ALL of the following required criteria must be met by each organization:

  1. A non-public organization that serves as a private provider* to a public school district for transition/vocational services, which must hold a current and valid contract as a vendor of the CT State Department of Aging and Disability Services (ADS) or the State of CT Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
    A CT State College & University (governed by the CT Board of Regents) that serves as a provider to a public school district for transition/vocational services;
  2. Serves students between the ages of 18 and 22 years old who have completed academic credits toward a regular High School diploma, OR serves students younger than 18 as a related service on an individualized education program (IEP); and
  3. Offers transition/vocational services, which may include functional academics. (Note that these private providers are not approved to provide academic credit toward a regular High School diploma).

*A Note Regarding Contracts With Private Providers: Pursuant to PA 18-183, local and regional boards of education must have a contract for all private providers of special education services. Per CGS Section 10-91g, “Private provider of special education services” means any private school or private agency or institution, including a group home, that receives any state or local funds as a result of providing special education services to any student with an individualized education program or for whom an individual services plan has been written by the local or regional board of education responsible for educating such student."

CT Transition Programs Contact

Laura Luna
Associate Education Consultant
Bureau of Special Education
P.O. Box 2219
Hartford, CT 06145-2219
Phone: 860-713-6941