Geographic Preference
The geographic preference option applies to purchases of local unprocessed agriculture product purchases for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs), including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) of the NSLP, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Special Milk Program (SMP), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP. The USDA encourages schools and institutions to purchase unprocessed, locally grown, and locally raised agricultural products to the maximum extent practicable and appropriate, and allows geographic preference in procuring eligible products (refer to "Eligible Products" below).
The USDA does not define local foods for the CNPs. CNP operators may determine the specific local area associated with the geographic preference option for unprocessed agricultural products when buying food.
The April 2011 final rule, Geographic Preference Option for the Procurement of Unprocessed Agricultural Products in Child Nutrition Programs, clarified the implementation of the geographic preference option for CNP operators. The April 2024 final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, expands the geographic preference option, Beginning July 1, 2024, CNP operators may choose to:
- use local as a specification (i.e., the written description of a product or service that a vendor must meet to be considered responsive to a solicitation) for local unprocessed agricultural products;
- use a defined scoring advantage (e.g., additional credit or points given to local unprocessed agricultural products during the evaluation of responses to a solicitation) for local unprocessed agricultural products;
- adopt a mix of both strategies; or,
- elect not to use any of these approaches
For detailed guidance, refer to USDA Memo SP 22-2024, CACFP 08-2024, and SFSP 13-2024: Geographic Preference Expansion Related to the Final Rule titled, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Eligible Products
- Unprocessed locally grown, raised, or caught agricultural products. Only agricultural products that retain their inherent character are eligible for applying the optional geographic preference.
- Unprocessed locally grown, raised, or caught agricultural products with minimal processing, food handling, and preservation techniques. Food handling and preservation techniques that do not change the inherent character of an agricultural product include cooling; refrigerating; freezing; size adjustment made by peeling, slicing, dicing, cutting, chopping, shucking, and grinding; drying/dehydration; washing; applying high water pressure or “cold pasteurization”; packaging (such as placing eggs in cartons), vacuum packing and bagging (such as placing vegetables in bags); butchering livestock and poultry; cleaning fish; and pasteurizing of milk.
- Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods: Using Geographic Preference (USDA)
- Geographic Preference: What it is and how to use it (USDA)
- Guide: Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs (USDA)
- Procuring Local Foods (USDA webpage)
- USDA Memo SP 22-2024, CACFP 08-2024, and SFSP 13-2024: Geographic Preference Expansion Related to the Final Rule titled, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- USDA Memo SP 02-2016, CACFP 02-2016 and SFSP 02-2016: Questions and Answers on the Transition to and Implementation of 2 CFR Part 200
- USDA Memo SP 03-2013, CACFP 02-2013 and SFSP 02-2013: Procurement Geographic Preference Q&As – Part II
- USDA Memo SP 18-2011: Procurement Geographic Preference Q&As
- USDA Memo SP 08-2010, CACFP 05-2010 and SFSP 06-2010: Geographic Preference for the Procurement of Unprocessed Agricultural Products in the Child Nutrition Programs
Geographic Preference Regulations
- Final Rule 89 FR 31962: Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (USDA)
- Final Rule 76 FR 22603: Geographic Preference Option for the Procurement of Unprocessed Agricultural Products in Child Nutrition Programs (76 FR 22603) (USDA)
- CACFP Regulations 7 CFR 226.22(c) Geographic Preference
- NSLP Regulations 7 CFR 210.21(g) Geographic Preference
- SBP Regulations 7 CFR 220.16(f) Geographic Preference
- SMP Regulations 7 CFR 215.14a(e) Geographic Preference
- SFSP Regulations 7 CFR 225.17(e) Geographic Preference