Operational Memoranda for the SFSP
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Certifying Eligibility of Sites Serving Migrant Children
For-Profit Locations as Meal Sites in the Summer Food Service Program
Unused Reimbursement in the Summer Food Service Program
Best Practices for Managing Unused Reimbursement in the Summer Food Service Program
Best Practices for Determining Proximity of Sites in the Summer Food Service Program
Streamlined and Simplified Summer Food Service Program Requirements: FAQs
Site Caps in the Summer Food Service Program: Revised
USDA Memo SP 01-2016 CACFP 01-2016 SFSP 01-2016
Procuring Local Meat, Poultry, Game, and Eggs for Child Nutrition Programs
USDA Memo SP 01-2016, CACFP 01-2016, and SFSP 01-2016
Procuring Local Meat, Poultry, Game and Eggs for Child Nutrition Programs - REVISED
USDA Memo SP 02-2006 CACFP 02-2006 SFSP 01-2006
Treatment of Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance and National Flood Insurance Program payments in Income Eligibility Determinations for FNS Programs
USDA Memo SP 02-2010 CACFP 02-2010 SFSP 02-2010
Procurement Questions
USDA Memo SP 02-2014 SFSP02-2014
Mobile Feeding Options in Summer Feeding Programs
USDA Memo SP 02-2016 CACFP 02-2016 SFSP 02-2016
Questions and Answers on the Transition to and Implementation of 2 CFR Part 200
USDA Memo SP 02-2022, CACFP 03-2022 and SFSP 01-2022
Updates to the Federal Micro-Purchase Threshold in 2 CFR 200.320(a)(1)
USDA Memo SP 02-2024, CACFP 02-2024, and SFSP 02-2024
Revised: Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the School Meal Programs, CACFP, and SFSP